— Faneds: Dean Edmonds, Greg Bezoff, & Dennis Mullin. Bi-weekly, computer-printed (rare at that time), newsletter of the University of Waterloo SF Club (WATSFIC) pubbed out of Kitchener, Ontario, in the early 1980s. Contained capsule-style sf news. WATSFIC also pubbed the irregular STARSONGS which, after WATS NEW was phased out, became the sole club publication.

1979 – (#1 – Jan?) (#2 – Feb) (#3 – Feb) (#4 – Feb) (#5 – Feb) (#6 – Mar) (#7 – Mar) (#8 – May) (#9 – May) (#10 – Jun) (#11 – Jun) (#12 – Jun) (#13 – Jul) (#14 – Jul) (#15 – Sep) (#16 – Sep) (#17 – Oct) (#18 – Nov)

1980 – (#19 – Jan) (#20 – Jan) (#21 – Feb) (#22 – Feb) (#23 – Mar) (#24 – Mar) (#25 – May) (#26 – May) (#27 – Jun) (#28 – Jul) (#29 – Sep) (#30 – Oct) (#31 – Nov) (#32 – Nov)

1981 – (#33 – Jan) (#34 – Feb) (#35 – Feb) (#36 – Mar) (#37 – May) (#38 – Jun) (#39 – Sep) (#40 – Oct) (#41 – Nov) (#42 – Dec)

1982 – (#43 – Jan) (#44 – Jan) (#45 – Feb) (#46 – Jun) (#47 – Oct) (#48 – Nov)



Clubzine (originally named FINAL FRONTIER) pubbed out of Montreal, Quebec, by MonSFFA, the Montreal Science Fiction and Fantasy Association, since the late 1980s. MonSFFA also publishes IMPULSE. (Much more detail to be added)


1987 – VOLUME ONE: – Faned: James P. Poon. Also on editorial board.Chris W. Daly, Luke Fallon, Tapio Vocadlo, Emile Richard, all Montreal, PQ. The editorial board changed each issue – (#1 – Dec)

1988 – VOLUME ONE: – (#2 – Feb) (#3 – Aug/Sep)


1988 – VOLUME TWO: Editors: Michael Masella & Kevin Holden – (#1 – Oct) (#2 – Nov)

1989 – VOLUME THREE: – (#1 – Jan) (#2 – Feb) Then just Kevin Holden as Editor – (#3 – Mar) (#4 – Apr) (#5 – Aug) (#6 – Dec )

1990 – VOLUME FOUR:Editor: John Matthias – (#1 – Mar) Then Keith Braithwaite & Michael Masella as editors (#2 – Apr) (#3 – Summer ) (#4 – Sep) Then just Keith Braithwaite as editor – (#5 – Dec)

1991 – VOLUME FIVE: – Editors: Keith Braithwaite & Michael Masella (#1 – Mar) (#2 – May) Then Kevin Holden as editor – (#3 – Jul) Then Keith Braithwaite & Michael Masella as editors – (#4 – Oct) (#5 – Dec)

1992 – VOLUME SIXEditor: Keith Braithwaite (#1WN19 – Feb) Then John Matthias & Kevin Holden as editors – (#2WN20 – May) (#3WN21 – Autumn) Then Keith Braithwaite & Michael Masella as editors (#4WN22 – Dec)

1993 – VOLUME SEVEN: – (#1WN23 – Mar) (#2WN24 – May) Then Keith Braithwaite, Michael Masella & Lynda Pelley as editors – (#3WN25 – Summer) (#4WN26 – Nov)

1994 – VOLUME EIGHT: – (#1WN27 – Feb) (#2WN28 – ? ) (#3WN29 – May) (#4WN30 – Summer) (#5WN31 – Sep)

1995 – VOLUME NINE: – (#1WN32 – Feb) (#2WN33 – Apr) (#3WN34 – Summer) (#4WN35 – Sep) (#5WN36 – Dec)

1996 – VOLUME TEN: – (#1WN37 – Feb) (#2WN38 – Mar) (#3WN39 – Aug) (#4WN40 – Dec)

1997 – VOLUME ELEVEN:Then Editors: Keith Braithwaite & Lynda Pelley -(#1WN41 – Mar)

1998 – VOLUME TWELVE: – ?


2000 – VOLUME FOURTEEN: – (#1WN49 – ? ) Editor: Lynda Pelley – (#2WN50 – Oct)

( More detail to be added. )

Note: The “Whole Number” of the bulk of WARPs starts with {Volume-Six Number-One} being WN19. Counting backwards, this implies {Volume-Two Number-One} is WN1. What about Volume One? Not counted because it was the three issues of THE FINAL FRONTIER, the clubzine while MonSFFA was called The Montreal Star Trek Association.

Also note: WARP was put together by a kind of revolving committee. Any given issue might have as many as four or five people involved. I have selected the names of those responsible for layout as closest to filling the role of editor (as opposed to printing, computer text conversion, or proofreading).



— Faned: Chris Chartier. “Clubzine for the Warp 9 club in Montreal, and at its end, for a few issues in Mississauga, ON. Chris tried to energize the club, and produce huge zines of fiction, club news, reviews of shows, episode guides and upcoming schedules of favorite SF television programmes. I believe the last issue was number 50, dated Spring 1999. Chris and wife Jennifer Brown moved to Mississauga for work around that time, and not long after, Chris announced his total gafiation. He worked so hard for a relatively unappreciative audience. I locced each issue I got, but I was the only one who did so. In time, the happy deadwood and Chris’ move to Mississauga killed the club and his fannish career. On some of the later issues, Chris tried double issues formats, such as #41/42, assembled Ace Double style.” — Lloyd Penney


— Faned: R. Graeme Cameron. Promotional Newszine for the West Coast Science Fiction Association of British Columbia. I hadn’t published anything for a number of years, but the zinepubbing bug was starting to itch. I thought, BCSFA has BCSFAzine, why not create WCSFAzine for WCSFA? I sold the WCSFA committee on the concept by pointing out I would do all the work and it wouldn’t cost them a penny, as it would only be published online courtesy of Bill Burns and his Hugo-winning site  efanzines.com.

However, in the end the grind of churning out a monthly zine while striving to remain up to date with relevant info, plus my constant balancing act between personal interests and an objective promotional approach, wore me out. I could no longer muster the energy and enthusiasm to meet deadlines. So I stopped at issue #19, and began to focus my energies on a revived SPACE CADET which would come out whenever any given issue was ready. Though I gave up the news aspect of WCSFAzine, the personal interest stuff and emphasis on Canadian Fandom history carries on in the pages of SPACE CADET. ( I did, in fact, publish3 additional issues of WCSFAzine afterwards. Not quite dead yet…)

All in all, I am proud of my work in WCSFAzine, but am happy to be relieved of the burden of a monthly deadline, or any sort of deadline…

2007 – (#1 – Sep) – For my first issue I reused a photo collage cover I created years earlier for an issue of BCSFAzine back when I was ‘God-Editor’ of same. Titled ‘Ether Ship Approaching Mercury’, it features dark silhouettes of crewmembers atop the hull of a space ship dipping down toward the surface of the planet Mercury against a backdrop of the blackness of space interspersed with numerous stars. The collage consists of three elements, a Hubble photo of numerous stars and galaxies, an actual photo of the cratered surface of Mercury taken by Mariner 10, and a very famous photo showing crew members atop the hull of the Graf Zeppelin dirigible repairing the fabric of the envelope in flight. I just love this collage. Unfortunately, most people assumed the planet depicted was only our familiar Moon Luna. Oh well.

– (#2 – Oct) (#3 – Nov) (#4 – Dec)

2008 – (#5 – Jan) (#6 – Feb) (#7 – Mar) (#8 – Apr) (#9 – May) (#10 – Jun) (#11 – Jul) (#12 – Aug) (#13 – Sep) (#14 – Oct) (#15 – Nov) (#16 – Dec)

2009 – (#17 – Jan) (#18 – Feb) (#19 – Apr)

2010 – (#20 – Mar)

2011 – (#21 – Apr) (#22 – Apr)

Note: I won the 2010 Fan Achievement (Fanzine) Aurora Award for WCSFAzine. I really should publish a few more issues…


— Faned: Georgina ‘Dutch’ Ellis (Clarke). Perzine pubbed out of Calgary, Alberta, in the mid-1950s. She was already well-known from her earlier genzine MIMI and her frequent locs in CANADIAN FANDOM. Some articles & drawings in WENDIGO were contributed by Harry Calnek of Nova Scotia. Size varied from 14 to 32 pages. In 1975 Clarke revived the title for an apazine.

1955 – (#1 – Jan) (#2 – ? ) (#3 – Jun) (#4 – Aug) (#5 – ? ) (#6 – ? ) (#7 – ? ) (#8 – ? ) (#9 – ? )

1956 – (#10 – Feb) (#11 – Sep)

1965 – (#12 – Jan) This was a special 17 page revival issue.



— Faned: Marianne Nielsen. A one-shot adult SF&F fictionzine with illustrations, self-described as “Canada’s official obs’zine”. Meant to be both funny & erotic. Pubbed out of Edmonton, Alberta, with the aid of members of ESFACAS (the Edmonton SF & Comic Arts Society).

Artists included Adrian Kleinbergan, Tim Hammel, Joy Van Eickenhorst, Grant Canfield, & Barry Kent MacKay. Articles contributed by: Lorna Toolis, Joyce Rubin, Marienne Nielsen, Keith Fenske, Tony & Yvonne Higgins, Diane Walton, John Mullock, Rick LeBlanc, Robert Runte & Georges Giguere. (Detail to be added)

1980 – (#1 – ? )



— Faned: Mike Bailey. Title of #22 of his perzine.



— Faneds: Nicholas Conder & Garth Spencer. A newsletter pubbed out of the Student Union building, University of Victoria, B.C., circa 1984, by the ‘Imaginative Fiction Society’, a science fiction & fantasy club based in the University of Victoria.

In September 1985 WHAT I.F.S. was combined with the club fictionzine WORLDS OF I.F.S under the title COME HOLD THE MOON whose editor, David Gordon-Macdonald, wrote, WHAT IFS was “a rather feeble newsletter… whose function has now been combined with this publication, but we keep its paltry few issues at the back of our closets and try not to mention it in polite company.”

1984 – (#1 – Jan/Feb?)“Monthly newsletter… Two double-sided photocopy pages (including bacover mailer). Like, your basic newsletter, eh? In this issue we learn that ‘poet’ is a verb. No illos.” – (GS)



– Faned: Garth Spencer. One-shot pubbed out of Victoria, B.C. (Detail to be added)

1983 – (#1 – Jun/Aug)


— Faned: Boyd Raeburn. Lloyd Penney describes it thusly: “Cover by Ron Kidder and Samuel LaSalle. Single sheet subtitled THOT ON CANADIAN CAPERS. It almost looks like a letter of comment in the form of a single-sheet zine. The front is numbered -72-, the back -144-. Reasons?”

The first part of these ‘thots’ by Raeburn reads:

“In the March 1954 issue of CANADIAN CAPERS, a quite estimable publication, I find two articles which warrant a little comment and while Harry Calnek (the editor) is quite eager for letters commenting one of the articles, I feel I would rather help to fill the pages of A BAS than CANADIAN CAPERS.”

This leads me to suspect that this zine was written as an insert for A BAS, most likely A BAS #1 which came out in April that year.

1954 – (#1 – Apr? )

[ For the rest of the review see CANADIAN CAPERS ]


— Faned: David Vereschagin. One-page one-shot pubbed out of Edmonton, Alberta. (Details to be added)

1978 – (#1 – Sep)


— Faned: David Vereschagin. A one-shot pubbed out of Edmonton, Alberta, as a sequel of sorts to his earlier one-shot ANTARES. Did his own art. But thish was also the first appearance of Edmontonian fanartist John Durno. (Detail to be added)

1978 – (#1 – Jan)


– Faneds: Garth Danielson, James A. Hall & A. McDonald. Contributors included: James A. Hall, Randy Reichardt, Steve George, David Szurek, & Garth Danielson. (Detail to be added)

1977 – (#1 – Oct)

1978 – (#2 – May) (#3 – Dec)


— Faneds: Lloyd Penney & Mike Wallis. Lloyd Penney’s blurb: “Are you a newcomer to the wonderful & slightly crazy world of fandom? Have you just moved to Toronto and want to make new connections with fandom in your new city? Are you an experienced, time-worn fan who needs a handy reference guide to keep track of the intricacies of local fandom?” This 1986 zine was created to fill those needs.

It consists of — “Hardcore, unleavened, info.” – (BK) — namely 16 digest-sized pages listing local Clubs & Associations ( including the ‘Black Death Auto Duel Assn.’ ) what the hey? — Conventions, Fanzines, Club Zines, Apas, Store Zines, Newszines, Comics, Stores & “other places” (such as a fantasy sculpture store called Wizart).

While an excellent, very comprehensive listing of SF/gaming/comic/convention resources in the Toronto area, including contact phone numbers, hours open, and/or membership rates, THE WHOLE TORONTO FANAC GUIDE lacks detailed descriptions or explanations of the items listed. An example of a somewhat more informative fanac guide would be Garth Spencer’s BCSFA MEMBERSHIP HANDBOOK. Both were useful when first published, but not for long. In April 1986 Lloyd Penney wrote: “Already, about 10% of the info in it is dated, or has changed. I intend to do another edition in the fall… and I’ll bet the second guide will be recognizably different from the first.”

A second edition was never published.

In 2002 Lloyd wrote: “This was my first attempt at any kind of fannish publication. It was digest sized, 16pgs, and contained art by Shep, Randy Mohr, Barry Kent Mackay and someone who was NOT William Rotsler. (The real Bill Rotsler let us know in no uncertain terms.) With my journalistic background, this was meant as a reference work. It listed clubs and other organizations, conventions, fan publications and stores in the greater Toronto area, and was meant to inform, and give experienced fans a reference, and new fans a guide. However, it garnered a wide range of response, from apathy to outright wrath, and OSFiC loudly announced that they didn’t know me, and therefore didn’t think that I was the right person for the job. With that kind of response, no wonder there never was a second issue, in spite of my promises in the zine.”

Lloyds intentions had been pure of fannish heart, as he made clear in a loc in the March 1984 issue of THE MAPLE LEAF RAG:

“I wish only to put together a reference work for the neofan entering fandom, or the out-of-town fan wanting to find fandom here. I remember my difficulties in finding fanac here in Toronto… I do not pretend to be a SMOF from Toronto; I’m merely wanting to put my journalistic training to work in my fanac, and do my own fanpubbing. I also do not pretend to be knowledgeable in all fannish fields…I’ll accumulate information from my sources, put it together, and I hope I’ll have a work that will not unite Toronto fandom (I’m not THAT naive) but will, I hope, let all factions know about and be aware of other factions.”

1986 – (#1 – Mar)                  [ See BCSFA MEMBER’S HANDBOOK ]


— Faned: Mike Bailey. Issue #17 of his perzine.



— Faned: Diane Smith. Combo Blake’s 7/Dr. Who mediazine pubbed out of Victoria, B.C., circa?


— Dr. Who newsletter pubbed out of Vancouver, B.C., by the University of B.C. SF Society beginning 1985. Self-described as “Vancouver’s first Dr. Who fanzine.” (GS)

“WHOSELETTER is the brainchild of Simon Hui, a third-year architect student at U.B.C….Also involved in the formation was Ian Sadler of Alberta, Michael Dean of Pitt Meadows, and Ehud Yaniv of mumble-mumble…”

“THE WHOSELETTER, formerly published by the U.B.C. SF Society, is now the spearhead publication for Ether Patrol Press… the publishing arm of Ether Patrol Productions, newly created by Michael Dean & Kyle R. Kirkwood. Stewart Royan is the supervising publisher…” – Michael Dean, 1987.


— Faned: Robert Runte. Perzine. (Info wanted!)

1979 – (#1 – Oct)


— Faned: Randy Reichardt. Per/genzine pubbed out of Edmonton, Alberta. (Details to be added)

1975 – (#1 – Sep) (#2 – Dec)

1976 – (#3 – May) (#4 – Jun) (#4.5 – Dec)

1977 – (#5 – Jun)

1978 – (#5.5 – Aug) (#6 – Sep)

1984 – (#7 – Jan) – “The best capsule description is ‘memorable’.. #7, unlike past publications, is in the nature of a pictorial perzine.” – (GS)

“Available by whim only, but Randy is a lot easier than his rude colophon would tend to indicate… Randy returns from the dead (well, gafiation, anyway) to produce another issue of his once famous WINDING NUMBERS. This issue is not a genzine, however, but a personal zine in which Randy basically talks abut his life in general and his fascination with the book ‘Blue Highways’ in particular. Roldo cover and interior illos by Alexis Gilliland. Some nice photos of road signs round out the issue. I like it.” (RR)


— Faned: Amanda Bankier. Feminist fantasyzine pubbed out of Hamilton, Ontario, in the mid 1970s. (Details to be added)

1974 – (#1 – Aug) (#2 – Nov)

1975 – (#3 – Apr) (#4 – Sep)

1976 – (#5/6 – ? )


— Faned: Simon Parkinson. Bi-monthly newsletter of the Wolfcon SF Society, pubbed out of Kingston, Nova Scotia. (Detail to be added)   1996 – (#5 – Apr)


Faned: ? Some sort of fantasy fiction zine published circa 1984/85 by the ‘Wildwood Holt’, possibly out of Victoria B.C. ( A holt is an animal’s lair. ) At least four issues published.

1984? – (#4 – ?) – contained the short story ‘Eric The Leprechaun’ by Shanna Smith, later republished in THE CALL GOES OUT #3 (1986). Rather unusually, on capturing a Leprechaun, the hero, Eric, wants to become a Leprechaun, and his wish is granted. All is not well however, for he is soon made King of the Leprechauns just as the Fairies launch a dastardly plot…


— Faned: The usual suspects. A spoof zine directed at a single individual and posted in the halls during VCONs 12 & 13. Some felt it to be in poor taste and a fannish scandal ensued. Part of a larger feud (possibly). Included here (tho not in detail) for the sake of completion. Actually part of a tradition dating at least as far back as the Renaissance; i.e. an anonymous broadsheet posted in a public place to satirize or lampoon a prominent, well-known politician, artist, literary figure or the like.

1984 – (#1 – May)

1985 – (#2 – May) (#3 – Jun)


— Faned: Taral Wayne. Apazine contribution to FAPA. Given the intensity of Taral’s fanac at the time I would have assumed it to be a long-life apazine over a span of many years, but my sources indicate a mere two issues. As for the third….

1978 – (#1 – Sep)

1979 – (#2 – Jul)

– (#3 – Dec?) – “…Taral continues to procrastinate creatively, publishing zine after zine to squander away his money. This issue is no different than any of the other 5 & 10 page instruments of self-admiration and self-pity that have emerged from this pretentious prima-dona. As usual there are 2 or 3 pages of pompous plans for trips & artwork he will never undertake, another 2 or 3 pages of revelation of embarrassing neurosis, followed by pages of flat humour, paranoid denunciations of imaginary enemies, and stiff unnatural drawings often of questionable taste & sanity. Unlike the previous 2 TWILTONES there are a few letters, written, one suspects, from motives of compassion rather than any real interest. The impression is that the editor has printed any scrap that came in the mail, pathetically eating up every word.” – (TW)

I’m inclined to think this review by Taral of his own work (#3 never existed) is a spoofing parody designed to silence his critics by outdoing their vituperation. Or maybe it’s just Taral having fun.

Of the first two issues, Taral writes: “I wanted to do a first rate job for FAPA, and use the zines for trades also. But the quarterly schedule began to wear me down, then I lost interest in FAPA. There were only the two issues. They’re among my favourites though, and served as a model for NEW TOY!”


— Faned: Garth Spencer. Letter/diary/perzine pubbed out of Victoria, B.C., from 1983 to 1989. At least 16 issues, maybe more. Said Robert Runte: “For a while there, Canadian fanzines could be divided into two groups: those put out by Garth Spencer and those not put out by Garth Spencer. Bernie Klassen once called Garth ‘a one-man assault on our forests’. Fortunately, Garth is reasonably entertaining.” Consisted of editorials, a loccol, and occasional fanzine reviews. (Detail to be added) (RR)

1983 – (#1 – Feb ) (#2 – Mar) (#3 – Jun) (#4 – Summer )

– (#5 – Oct) – “My overall impression was of a hodge-podge of unrelated, sometimes interesting, generally interesting tidbits. The fanzine reviews tell nothing, but do, at least, provide addresses. Most interesting for me were your own personal recollections, comments, whatever.” – (SG)

(#6 – Dec)“As I see more of TWATG, a good eclectic mix, with news, rantings, raving, locs, etc. Very enjoyable, and don’t let bilious gerifen cramp you…” – (LP)

(#7 – Dec)

1984 – (#8 – Jan)

– (#9 – Mar)“I haven’t seen any other Canadian zines yet, so I’m not sure how you fit into the whole scene over there; are you a fairly central figure, conforming to the mainstream of fanzine ideology, or some lone maverick tearing around upsetting all the BNF’s who like to pontificate about what fanzines ought to be?… the reason I ask is that TWATG would fit quite snugly into British fanzine fandom with nary a ripple, getting a pat on the head for a strong editorial personality, and probably attractng a fair number of loccers. But then again, personal voice is highly regarded over here…” – Alex Stewart, England.

(#10 – Jun )

– (#11 – Oct)“I really liked your last issue (#11)…I read excerpts out to my class from your description of Canada (you know, where you compare it to Tinkerbell in PETER PAN) as part of the lesson on multiculturalism & Canadian identity, and it went down pretty well..” – (RR)

1985 – (#12 – May)“Chock full of letters about any subject you can name. Garth reprints a couple of tongue in cheek articles from Texas about Canadian Cultural Imperialism, and those alone make this issue worth getting. Otherwise, a typical Garth Spencer mishmash in which everybody can find something of interest if they did deep enough.” (SG)

(#13 – ? )

1986 – (#14 – Apr) (#15 – Winter)

1989 – (#? – Jul)


— Faned: Donald Comstock. This is the extremely catchy title of the clubzine for the WFCF (The World Federation of Canadian Fans’). Seems like its founder and promoter, Donald Comstock, was trying to cover all bases: i.e. fans and their fanzines. Didn’t work. After all, who wants to boast: “I’m a WFCFian, and I read WFCFZ!” (As my wife Alyx says, “Sounds like a great club to belong to if you’re a dog. Wuf! Wuf!”) Highly unlikely so much as a single issue was ever published. Enthusiastic neofandom in action, circa 1952 to 1954.



— Faned: Nicholas Conder. A photocopied fictionzine pubbed out of Victoria, B.C., by the writers workshop of the ‘Imaginative Fiction Society’, a science fiction & fantasy club based in the University of Victoria. After the second issue, WORLDS OF I.F.S. was combined with the club newsletter WHAT I.F.S. under the title COME HOLD THE MOON. WORLDS OF I.F.S. was noted for its fiction, but also contained art & articles.

1984 – (V1#1 – Mar)“12 double-sided pages and a single-sided front cover. Features art, articles & fiction by members. Nick Conder discusses fan unity, Jeff Taylor discusses ‘The Religious Aspects of Tron’, & Craig Yuill asks ‘Where are the serious Science Fiction Films?’ A decent first ish.” (GS)

– (V1#2 – Aug)



— Faneds: Pete Dryden & Scott Patri. Clubzine of the Comox Valley Science Fiction, Fact And Fantasy Association, pubbed out of Cumberland, B.C., in 1993 and possibly longer. (Details to be added)

1993 Editor: Pete Dryden – (#1 – ? ) Then Scott Patri as editor – (#2 – ? ) (#3 – Jul) (#4 – Aug)