— Faneds: Gy Paquette, & Serge Vidal. At least 2 issues pubbed out of Longeuil, Quebec. A quarterly devoted to SF, Fantasy, & ‘bandes dessinees’ ( graphic art ).

1985 – (#1 – April) (#2 – ? )

1986 – (#3 – Nov/Dec?) – “PANDORE is having some problems; Issue #3 has not appeared on schedule. It appears that two of the persons putting out the zine have quit; the second issue was delayed for the same reasons. A rocky road indeed for this fledgling publication.” – (LP)


— Faned: Les Nirenberg. A semi-pro humour zine which started out as a fanzine in 1960 titled QUE PASADO! Name changed with either #5 or #6. Pubbed out of Toronto, Ontario. The focus was “MAD-like political humour” re the Toronto scene.

J. Linwood wrote: “A strange hybrid of fandom (contributors include Busby, Colin Freeman & Dick Schultz) and the early 60’s Toronto hipster scene. Nirenberg pioneered captioned photographs as political satire in the way that Private Eye ( A UK Magazine) has done over the years.” Commercially successful, it caught the attention of critics and led to his launching a media oriented career with the CBC.

“I gather that /the Panic Button/ was put together by Les Nirenberg in an attempt to bring fannish-type humour to the public. I gather, also, that he was a fan before putting it out; there was talk (untrue) of him being a hoax. It was sold largely in coffee shops, and what would probably be the forerunners of head shops in the early sixties. I know very little beyond that.” – Will Straw, from correspondence to Murray Moore, May 29, 1973. (LP)

1961 – (#6 – Fall

1962 – (#7 – Winter) (#11 – Dec)

1964 – (#16 – ?)


— Faned: Bob Webber. A perzine pubbed under this name for at least 4 issues out of Toronto, Ontario, after which it became an apazine with numerous subsequent name changes. Wrote Taral Wayne: “Bob Webber publishes PANTEKHNIKON. So far it hasn’t developed a distinct personality of its own, but trends towards superior graphics & gennishness. Bob has been taking good advantage of his knowledge of photography & mimeography to stretch the limits of fan pubbing beyond its present myopism.”

1975 – (#-1 – ? ) (#0 – ? )

1976 – (#1 – ? ) (#2 – ? )


— Faned: Henry Argasinski. High School clubzine.

Taral writes: “The information is from my unpublished Canadian Fanzine Index, the one that was never successfully merged with Mike Halls for a variety of reasons, the same one that John Robert Colombo endorsed for a Canada Council Grant but never got it, etc…  Just to be sure of its accuracy, the data has been freshly checked against the original zines.”

1974 – (#1 – Nov)

– (#2 – Nov) – Just a column in his high school newspaper.

– (#3 – Nov) (#4 – Dec)

1975 – (#5 – Jan)

– (#6 – Feb)“The cover of Paperchips 6 is Henry’s own art work (blatantly imitated from Vaughn Bode).  It was purple ditto on pink paper.” The cover shows a flat field or meadow with clouds or bushes in the background. Two teddy bears face one another, one dressed in a Wizards outfit and about to hurl a paper airplane. Assorted mushrooms are scattered across the foreground.

– (#7 – ?)

– (#8 – ?) – Titled TRANQUILIUM 1.

– (#9 – Jun) – Titled CELESTIAL ALMANAC 1.

– (#1 – Jul) Then THUNDERMUG

– (#10 – Oct) – Titled CADAVER 1. Contains 2 locs from Claude Degler (actually by Taral as part of a hoax which Henry believed genuine).

– (#11 – ?) (#12 – ?)

1976 – (#13 – ?)  – Titled MOONSHADOW.

– (#14 – ?) – Titled TRANQUILIUM 2.

– (#15 – ?) – Titled  CELESTIAL ALMANAC 2.

“What happened after PC 15 I have little idea.  I believe I did see some folded over 8.5 by 14 digests titled Paperchips, but their dates and numbers I can’t say.” – (TW)


— Faned: Dale Speirs. A rider to an issue of OPUNTIA. (Detail to be added)

1996 – (#1 – Jan)


— Faned: L. W. Clubzine for the Toronto Star Trek Fan Club circa late 1970s/early 1980s? At least one issue simply titled “Toronto Star Trek Fan Club” published in 1976. Later changed name to THE PARAQUAT REVIEW.

Writes Lloyd Penney: The club was “run by L. W. and one other person whose name escapes me. They issued buttons to all who joined, and they eventually produced a newsletter with the unlikely name of THE PARAQUAT REVIEW. Paraquat is a herbicide that kills marijuana.”


— Faned: Yvonne Penney. -Small circulation newsletter to discuss strategy with the coordination of three room parties at Noreascon 3 in Boston in 1989. The parties were designed to promote Canadian fandom and the Winnipeg in ’94 Worldcon bid.

1988 – (#1 – Dec) – Minutes of meeting held at Pinekone 1 to discuss joint parties.

1989 – (#2 – ? ) – Includes reprints from Boston in ’89 newszine The Mad 3 Party, plus Worldcon zine Jane’s Fighting Smofs.

– (#3 – Jul) – Final issue. Final ideas, another reprint from Jane’s Fighting Smofs.


— Faned: David Kiner. Listed as a genzine. At least four issues.

198? – (#1 – ? ) (#2 – ? ) (#3 – ? )

1981 – (#4 – Jun)


— Faneds: Larry Stone, Jeff Davis, & the McEwen Brothers. A genzine pubbed out of White Rock, B.C. An apparent one-shot, 20 pages, ditto, by ‘Paucity House’. Contained articles by Julian Reid & Stony Barnes, plus art by L. Chessman, Stony Barnes, & Bob Painter.

1958 – (#1 – Spring) (MM)

PENNEYS UP THE RIVER and other CUFF stories.

— Faneds: Lloyd & Yvonne Penney. CUFF trip report based on 1998 CUFF win and subsequent trip to Montreal. Illustrated by Teddy Harvia and Brad Foster.

2000 – (#1 – Dec)



— Faned: Grant Goodes. Newsletter for PSFiC, the PENULTIMATE SCIENCE FICTION CLUB of Peterborough, Ontario.

1978 – (#0 – Dec) – 2 pages.

1979 – (#1 – Jan) – 18 pages.

– (#2 – Mar) – 20 pages.

[ See PSFiC ]


— Faneds: Judy Gates & Dan Gottschall. Pubbed out of Wolfville, Nova Scotia. “The Maritimes own Fantasy & Science Fiction Fanzine.” (Detail to be added)

1992 – #2 – Jun)


— Faneds: Gary Harper, Kris Snyder, Paul Delaney, & Dave Thompson. One version of the newsletter of SFAV, the Science Fiction Association of Victoria, B.C., pubbed in the early to mid-1980s.

[ Note: History of SFAV publications as follows: First Stan Hyde pubbed 2 issues of UP THE TUBE(S) in 1978. Then both PHOENIX & FROM THE ASHES start up in late 1979. Then both zines are combined into one zine titled PHOENIX & FTA in Feb 1982. The title is changed to FTA/PHOENIX in Dec 1982. Publication ceases Dec 1983. 2 revival issues titled FROM THE ASHES appear Feb & Mar 1985. A revival FTA/PHOENIX comes out Sept 1985. Another revival FTA/PHOENIX appears May 1986. Possibly further issues? ]

1979Gary Harper as editor – (V1#1 – Nov)

1980 – (V1#2 – Apr) (V1#3 – Sep)

Then Kris Snyder as editor: (V1#4 – Dec)

1981 – Then Paul Delaney as editor: (V2#1 – Mar)

Then Dave Thompson as editor: (V2#2 – Jun) (V2#3 – Sep) (V2#4 – Dec)

Then combined with FROM THE ASHES to be titled PHOENIX & FTA.



— Faneds: D. MacInnes, Kris Snyder, & Garth Spencer. One version of the newsletter of SFAV, the Science Fiction Association of Victoria, B.C., pubbed in the early to mid-1980s.

[ Note: History of SFAV publications as follows: First Stan Hyde pubbed 2 issues of UP THE TUBE(S) in 1978. Then both PHOENIX & FROM THE ASHES start up in late 1979. Then both zines are combined into one zine titled PHOENIX & FTA in Feb 1982. The title is changed to FTA/PHOENIX in Dec 1982. Publication ceases Dec 1983. 2 revival issues titled FROM THE ASHES appear Feb & Mar 1985. A revival FTA/PHOENIX comes out Sept 1985. Another revival FTA/PHOENIX appears May 1986. Possibly further issues? ]

1982 D. MacInnes as editor (V3#1 – Feb)

Then Kris Snyder as editor: (V3#2 – Apr)

Then Garth Spencer as editor: (V3#3 – Jun) (V3#4 – Jul) (V3#5 – Oct)

Then name changed to FTA/PHOENIX.



— A Quebec fanzine active circa 1985. (PL) (Info wanted!)


— Faned: Steve George. Perzine pubbed out of Winnipeg, Manitoba. The first issue was 10 pages long, but subsequent issues were single-sheeters, except for #5 which was 4 pages long. (Detail to be added)

1978 – (#1 – Jun)

1980 – (#2 – Mar) (#3 – Mar) (#4 – Apr) (#5 – Apr)


— Faned: Leonard S. Wong. Clubzine of the VCBC, the Vancouver Comic Book Club. Pubbed out of Vancouver, B.C., in the early 1980s. Semi-quarterly half-sized. Photo-reproduction. Robert Runte called it “the best comics fanzine in Canada.” Contained comic & film reviews, con listings, club news, loccol. and “first-rate feature articles” such as Wong’s interview with Don Bluth (creator of THE SECRET OF NIMH) in #4 & #5. (Detail to be added)

“Basically, I end up running material that interests me, and if it interests other members, great; if not, tough… I get more response… from other faneds or people we trade with than from VCBC members…. yet these people continue to renew their memberships every year. Strange.” – (Len Wong)

198? – (#1 to #5 – ? )

1984 – (#6 – Jan)“I think this is more or less a ‘Cerebus’ issue: the front cover and several illos are by Dave Sim. His panel interview from July 3rd is featured.” – (GS)

(#7 – May)“Peter Hackett tells us how to be superheroes; an Arn Saba (of ‘Neil The Horse’ fame) interview; letters, movies & comic reviews, and comic news. Also, Colin Upton unveils the Socialist Turtle!” – (GS)

– (#8 – Aug)

– (#9 – Dec)“A great comics zine, this issue featured Leonard’s editorial on censorship in comics (fairly well thought out, too); Lance Gueck’s review column which focused on great comics you’ve mostly never heard about before (rather than the routine and boring Marvel & DC reviews found in other zines)… sadly, rumour has it that Leonard Wong has quit the VCBC, so who knows if there will be any future PLASTIZINES, let alone if they will be able to maintain this high standard.”

“In this issue: An interview with underground cartoonist George Metzger; Leonard S. Wong on X-MEN & other ‘porn’ comics; a guide to ‘fun’ comics, Colin Upton’s SOCIALIST TURTLE; Worldcon report (sorta).” (GS)

(The reference to X-MEN as a ‘porn comic’ is to a Vancouver PROVINCE NEWSPAPER article (Nov 16th, 1985) titled ‘Porn Comics Raise Anger’ illustrated with a photo showing, among other comics, X-MEN & FANTASTIC FOUR (!) In his rebuttal Leornard Wong concluded that the Women’s organization representatives had not in fact read the comics they displayed in their photo. This is so very typical of censor wannabees.)

Our recent issues (since #7) have focused a lot more on local (Vancouver) topics and talent; I think they’re considerably stronger than our first six issues. I mean, I’m not embarrassed to have my name attached to the last three issues.” – (Len Wong)

“The best has to be PLASTIZINE. Fannish, sercon, dumb, interesting, enlightening, and asinine all within 2 & 1/2 pages. On the average, I like it. Len Wong threatens to stop production of the next ish until everyone coughs up enough money for him t get tickets to the Bruce Springsteen concert, and in the next ish photocopies his ticket stubs to let everyone know he had a great time. What can I say? That sort of thing appeals to me. Particularly the abuse handed out freely in the loccol…” – Keith Soltys.



— Faneds: Bruce & Joan Brown. A quarterly pubbed out of Ottawa, Ontario, in the early 1980s. Featured SF, Fantasy, and mainstream literature (stories & poetry). (GS)


— Faned: Terry Smith. Pubbed out of Mississauga, Ontario. Only one issue. 8.5×11, but landscape format rather than portrait.

199? – (#1 – ?)“Editorial, followed by how to learn Japanese very rapidly so you can enjoy your animé, a review of the newest X-Com game, and Terry’s Fanboy Manifesto.” (LP)


— Faned: Richard Labonte, pubbed out of Ottawa.

1968 – (#1 – Nov)


— Faned: Lari Davidson. Semi-pro fictionzine pubbed out of Richmond B.C. in the early 1980s. Offset, with typesetting by Barbara Przeklasa (Editor of BCSFAzine #121 to #148). (Detail to be added)

“High production values, excellent layout, and quality fiction garnered POTBOILER nominations in 7 categories for SPWAO Awards last year (1984) — which is not too shabby at all. This is a labour of love for Lari, and it shows not only in the product, but also in the loyalty of readers & contributors. Many professional writers & artists first saw print in POTBOILER and many (such as Charles Saunders) continue to loc and actively contribute. Stories cover the whole range from war to western to sf, and each issue usually contains one or two comic strips as well. If you are at all interested in fictionzines, this is a must buy.” (RR)

“Potboiler was founded in 1978 when I scattered info to the corners of the continent, begging for contributions, and the first issue did not appear until almost two years later… Unlike some other ‘SF’ zines, I’ve always tried to keep a healthy balance of comics content (25% to 50%) in relation to the fiction — I don’t think I’ll ever publish an issue without a strip in it, which means if the strips stop coming I’ll either pack it in or found a digest-sized fiction-only zine of a different title.” – Lari Davidson.

“Over the years a few pros have sent mss. to PB — Charles Saunders, Stephen Gresham, Jeffrey Goddin — and some have been rejected (no names here!).” – (LD)

“While I’ve never received SPWAO’s top ‘Best Magazine/Editor’ award (PB was nominated twice) the zine was selected by WRITERS DIGEST as one of its thirty top non-paying markets…” – (LD)

1980 – (#1 – Jul)

198? – (#2 – #4 – ? )

1982 – (#5 – Sep)

198? – (#6 – ? )

1983/84 – (#7 – Winter)“This is Lari’s occasional fictionzine, and very nicely produced it is, too. I’m not sure what to make of the contents; I can say the zine is always an interesting mix of fanfiction (?), comics, dark fantasy, humour & letters.” (GS)

1985 – (#8/9 – ? )“From the Brad Foster cover to the Bruce V. Kalnins column and Randy Moore bacover, this is a first class publication. On a scale measuring value received for money spent, this comes in right at the top. One class act.” – (GS)

“POTBOILER is still Canada’s undisputed champion fiction zine. This double issue includes contributions from Billy Wolfenbarger, Bruce V. Kalnins, Gerald J.. Brown, David Sheskin, Gary Kienberry, Jim Latimer, Jovan Panich, Gary Magallon, Steve Frederick, Annette Crouch, Myra Lee, & comics by Earl Geier. Geier’s comics are the weakest pieces in the issue, but the lad shows potential and there’s lots of other art in this issue which is quite exquisite. Recommended for anyone interested in fiction zines.” (RR)


— Some sort of Quebec fanzine founded in 1980 “by people who had met or corresponded through REQUIEM.” Defunct by 1985 or earlier. (Info wanted!)


— Faned: Andris Taskans. Semi-pro? fictionzine? pubbed out of Winnipeg, Manitoba. A special issue was produced for the Conadian Worldcon in Winnipeg in 1994. (Detail wanted!)


— Faned: James Saito. Clubzine of the Lethbridge Association of Star Trek Fans (LASTF).

1984 – (#3 – Mar) – Offset, 26 pages. “Book & film reviews, president’s message, ST bibliography, MacDonald’s ads. Thankfully, there is no fiction. A standard Trekzine primarily of interest to ST fans.”

“The LASTF itself is making a big push to recruit new members with the release of the new ST movie and has managed to make a deal with Paramount to co-produce television commercials advertising the movie and the club side by side. LASTF is one of the more active ST clubs in Canada.” (RR)

1985 – (#7 – ?) – Described by B. Klassen as “The clubzine of the Loyalist Association of Star Trek Fans (LASTF). If you’re not a particularly fanatic follower of ST, you will probably find this zine impenetrable, pretentious, & dull. If you are a hardcore fan, this is probably just the thing for you. Decent repro, though.”

(#8 – Jun)“A typically over-priced Star Trek zine, the lack of artwork and the unimaginitive layout make this seem even less impressive than it is. Nevertheless, the LASTF is a very successful & active club and they take their ST very seriously. (The Assistant Editor, for example, sounded quite hurt when asked if their continuing ST story in previous issues was supposed to be a parody.) Of interest to ST fans.” (RR)


— Faned: Kathleen Moore-Freeman. Single page Hectograph done as a demonstration of technique in Hectography for members of BCSFA at a club meeting.

1989 – (#2 – Jan)