Faned: Michael S. Hall. Newszine of some sort, probably printed during a convention updating congoers on what was happening, changes in programming, etc.

 1979 – (#1 – Oct 6) (#2 – Oct 7) (#3 – Oct 8) (#4 – Oct 9)


— Faned: Norman G. Browne. APAzine for FAPA, pubbed out of Edmonton in 1953, and Wilson Heights, near Toronto, in 1954. He and Les Croutch were two Canadian members of FAPA at this time (there may have been others), and like Croutch he got into trouble over matters sexual. Specifically, he frequently included mailing comments, not on FAPA, but on PAPA, the “Pornographic Amateur Press Association.” The fact that PAPA turned out to be a hoax by Browne did not endear him to his fellow FAPAns. Their response may have been one of the factors contributing to his gafiation in late 1954. (RB)



— Faned: Howard E. ‘Gene’ Day, the ‘Genie of Gananoque’. At least 23 issues pubbed out of Gananoque, Ontario, by Shadow Press beginning in 1973. A “pocket-sized” bimonthly heroic fantasy fictionzine with original fiction and verse. Most of the contributors were Ottawa fans. A pro illustrator himself, Gene often contributed his own art. Larry Dickinson and John Bierly were some of the other artists. ‘Dark Fantasy’ was renowned for its excellent layout and was often imitated. (RGC) & (TW)

In MAPLE LEAF RAG #10 (Dec 1984), Gordon Derry wrote: “Many writers and artists who had their first publication in DARK FANTASY went on to become professionals in their fields: Charles Saunders, Galad Elflandsson, John Bell, Gordon Derry, Dan Day, and Augustine Fennel are some names that come readily to mind. Other well-known DF alumni are Larry Dickinson, Ronn Sutton, Dave Sim, & Tim Hammell.”

      “Almost from the beginning, DF maintained a constant format & style of layout. There was little in the way of reviews and letters in early issues, and these were eliminated after several issues. From then on, DF was dedicated only to publishing fiction, poetry & art in the fantasy, SF & horror genres, with no advertisements to interrupt the brilliant flow of creativity.”

      “Generally the page count was 42-52, in the familiar digest size. The magazine was always strictly B&W, except for issues #22 & #23, which had a second colour on the cover.”

     “Along with Charles Saunders, Gene Day was instrumental in forming the Small Press Writers & Artists Organization, and he served as the President for the first years of SPWAO’s life. As well, he introduced many writers & artists to one another, often personally at his studio in Gananoque, which was always open to friends & visitors. It was through Gene and DF that the Ottawa circle of writers — Charles Saunders, Charles de Lint, Gordon Derry, Galad Elflandsson, John Bell — all came to know one another. All of these writers are now publishing professionally, and quite simply, this might never have happened if DARK FANTASY had not existed.”

 1973 – (#1 – ? ) (#2 – ? )

1974 – (#3 – Mar) (#4 – Jul) (#5 – Oct)

1975 – (#6 – ?) (#7 – ?)

1976 – (#8 – May) (#9 – Sep) (#10 – Dec)

 1977 – (#11 – Jan)“I have always enjoyed DARK FANTASY and even admit to using it as an inspiration for my own zine. DF utilizes good solid design & layout, with clean artwork & copy; though the copy itself could be better handled. I think it is one of the better semi-pro zines around… Artwork is not over-used & follows a rather rigid conformity of one full-page & one half-page illo per story, though a bit more flexibility would be appreciated.” (DH)

– (#12 – ? ) (#13 – ?) – According to Gordon Derry: “DF#13 never saw print — an unscrupulous printer took the money for this issue, trashed the master copy, and disappeared from view.”

Wrote Dale Hammell in 1978: “He may have been rocked with the loss of DARK FANTASY 12 & 13 to THAT PRINTER in California, but Gene Day keeps coming on. Good for him!”

The editorial in the LULU REVIEW #2 (Sep 1978) read in part: “It has come to Lulu’s attention that several of the zines we’ve reviewed have been getting royally ripped off by a certain printer. The zines involved (that we know of) are: DARK FANTASY, COPPER TOADSTOOL, THE FEM-ART COLLECTOR, & EQUINOX. The printer offers great prices, the editors send their work and payment; no work is produced, no money or artwork is seen again. This is a criminal and morally obscene practice. All of us involved in LULU are totally outraged… The printer in question is: Mr. Desmaretz of AJD Graphics, Rancho Cordova, California…Needless to say, all publishers are warned to stay away from this guy.”

– (#14 – Sep)

1978 – (#15 – Jan)

– (#16 – Jun)“DARK FANTASY may not be the best fantasy pub to emerge from Canada’s soil, but it damn well is in the top 5; and of course, full honours go to Gene for being the first to break the ‘frozen hiatus’ that had existed in the Canadian F&SF scene.”

      “A nice cover to this 16th issue, by George Freeman, and a ‘hunky-spaceship’ piece by the editor his’self… Inside there is the usual, (usual, only in the sense of regularity in every issue), good smattering of fantasy, SF & verse pieces.”

      “Most notable: ‘Secret Stones, Hollow Bones’, a poem by that mysterious Wendelessen; Wayne Hook’s ‘Halfway’; and ‘House Of The Domovoi’ by Glenn Rahman.”

      “Gene’s winning layout is still there, the one several digest publishers have used as a model, & the artwork balances the blocks of copy very nicely. Some good unhumorous art by Larry Dickison; and couple of nice grotesque pieces by John Bierly, as well as others.”

      “There are some faults with the printing, as always, (Gene’s still trying to find a decent printer), but they can be lived with. Hopefully, DARK FANTASY will thrive for a long while yet; for though it may not (now) be the best Canadian zine, it is regularly good, and a zine to rely on.” (DH)

(#17 – Jul) (#18 – ? )

1979 – (#19 – Feb) (#12 – Apr — late & out of sequence) (#20 – Jul) (#21 – Oct)

1980 – (#22 – Mar) (#23 – Nov)

Note: Gene Day passed away in the fall of 1982.

1984 – (#24/25 – Aug) – Faned: Gordon Derry. “A commemorative double issue of the late Gene Day’s influential semi-prozine DARK FANTASY. In addition to unpublished artwork & fiction by Gene, the magazine will feature contributions from Charles de Lint, Charles Saunders, Dave Sim, Dan Day, and others.” (John Bell)


— Faneds: Gord Tomblin & Bruce Brown. A weird tales type of semi-pro horror zine pubbed out of Ottawa, Ontario, circa late 1984. Ad blurbs in Canadian fanzines read: “There is a place in the deep recesses of the mind where it begins… Where reality is forgotten and nightmares reign… Come with us and experience Dark Visions… Short stories featuring horror, the supernatural and weird… Order a subscription now and receive a free introductory first issue.”

 1985 – (#3 – Fall?) – Featured horror fiction by Gary Eikenberry, D.L. Sproule, Lisa Lepovetsky, Asko Alholm & others. Described by SCAVENGER’S NEWSLETTER as “Very entertaining.” This is the last issue.


— Faned: R. Graeme Cameron. Apazine consisting of an earlier version of the working notes for this web site fancyclopedia, albeit strictly fanzines. #1 (A-B) appeared in ‘CANFAPA’ #3 Jul 1998, #2 (C-D) in ‘CANFANDOM’ #4 Jan 1999, & #3 (E-F) in ‘CANFANDOM’ #5 May 1999. In recognition of the never-ending nature of the task, named ‘The Daugherty Project’.

I stated that the actual title was ‘The Incompleat Guide to Canadian Science Fiction Fanzines: 1937 to 1999 A.D.’ I explained that the “Target date for first publication is 2000 A.D. Since its purpose is to stimulate awareness and interest in Canadian fan publications, I thought I’d publish my ongoing research in CANFAPA in the hope that it will trigger a flood of new information from readers while at the same time inspiring Canadian faneds and collectors.” The same applies to this version.


— Faned: Neil Williams. Somewhat anarchistic humour/sercon perzine pubbed out of Vancouver in 1984 (after Williams had finished his stint as editor of BCSFAzine). A successor of sorts to William’s SWILL.

1984 – (#1 – ?) – Theme: Fandom & Fascism.

– (#2 – ?) – Theme: The SF of winnable Nuclear War.

– (#3 – ?) – Theme: Lack of truly alien aliens in SF. This was the ‘best’ issue according to Neil.

 [ See SWILL, SCUM, BCSFAZine issues #108 to #120 ]


— Faned: Bob Webber. An incarnation of the Ontario SF Club newsletter, predated by UNNAMED OSFiC NEWSLETTER and followed by A VERY SHORT OSFiC NEWSLETTER..

1981 – (#1 – Jan)



— Faned: Larry Nadolsky. At least 1 issue circa 1984 pubbed out of Pointe du Bois, Manitoba. “Why Winnipeg has a monopoly on Canadian comic artists (Roldo, Kenny Moran, Ackerman, etc) I have never quite figured out, but here is yet another self-published comic from Manitoba. And it’s a good one. Dean Nova is a spaceship-flying private-eye who wanders through a slightly off-the-wall universe.”

      “Typical dialogue: ‘The jester was thrown in jail sire… it seems he was performing in a musical production and stole the show.’ Nothing earth-shattering, but reasonably entertaining.” (RR)


 – Faned: Bee Stuckless. The last incarnation of the Ontario SF Club newsletter, predated by LUNA AND….

Taral writes: “The last mentioned was only a one sheet notice, with no title, but began as quoted.  All it had to say was that the club had voted in a caretaker executive to oversee the return of membership fees,, and clear out the locker – OSFiC was officially terminated.  A wake was to be held, and the editor was fleeing to Newfoundland.”

       “In my second bibliography, I had counted 171 separate zines, and numbered the OSFiComm I did in 1983 as  #172..  Later I discovered I had overlooked a couple of negligible sheets here somehow, and recounted.  That would make OSFiComm 172 actually OSFiComm 174.  Very annoying, but I can’t go back in time to change the stencils at this point.  The final count, including the farewell letter, comes out to 186… give or take a few.  I don’t suppose I’ll ever know for sure how many of the first OSFiC newsletters Gordon van Toen published.  And who knows what miserable half sheet of paper (saying, little more than “be wherever, whenever, for next meeting”) I might  have missed.  Unless miracles do come to pass, I doubt very much any bibliography of OSFiC will ever be more complete than this.  Who, after all, would possess a completer set?”



— Faned: Taral Wayne. A one-shot perzine pubbed out of Toronto, Ontario. Really four zines in one, each with its own cover: ‘HUBRIS’ consists of wide-ranging personal introspection; ‘SHIFGRETHOR’ has complex ‘Trek’ technical spoof, followed by several locs including one from Bill Rotsler on the nature of fannish art; ‘IMAGERY’ consists of an article by Mike Glicksohn on fanartist Randy Bathurst combined with a portfolio of Randy’s art; and ‘OUTREMERE’ is a fiction piece describing the arrival of a rather sexy alien and detailing her race’s history, language, etc.

Art by Taral is to be found on almost every page, and some work by Rotsler. My favourite is Taral’s ‘SHIFGRETHOR’ cover depicting a mermaid ecstatically mating with a dolphin. This is a very fine zine, a year in the making, with a print run of 250.

Taral himself described his zine thusly back in 1977: “DELTA PSI is actually four shorter zines in one. There is an art section, a section for personal writing (covering some sf in the process), a letter section, and finally a section for the elaborate imaginary universe I created. There is much artwork, mostly mine, and a small amount of colour printing. Since I have only a few copies left I’ve increased the price to $4.00. For 60 pages this is steep, but a number of people have agreed with me that it’s worth every deflated penny.”

1977 – (#1 – Mar)


— Faned: P. Howard Lyons. A CAFP publication circa 1954. It’s nature was described in ‘CAN FAN’ #22 (Sep 1954) as “general” so it may have been a typical genzine of the period. Then again, maybe it was an APAzine. (Feedback requested! Details wanted!)


— Faneds: Norm Clarke and Georgina ‘Gina’ (Ellis) Clarke. Gina moved from Calgary to Ottawa circa 1959/60 to marry Norm. They originally co-edited ‘DESCANT’ as their joint contribution to FAPA, but eventually it was distributed more widely. There were at least 24 issues, with first dating May 1959 and the 23rd pubbed sometime in 1973. (GS) & (RL) (Feedback requested! Details wanted!)

Robert Lichtman wrote in VEGAS FANDOM WEEKLY #100 ( 2007 ): “DESCANT, the ‘other’ fanzine of Norm & Gina Clarke, which saw two dozen issues to HONQUE’s five. Lots of great writing by the both of them.”

1959 – (#1 – May)

1960 – (#2 – Aug) (#3 – Nov)

1961 – (#4 – Feb) (#5 – May) (#6 – Nov)

1962 – (#7 – Feb) (#8 – May)

1963 – (#9 – Feb) (#10 – ?) (#11 – Nov)

1964 – (#12 – Aug)

1965 – (#13 – Feb)

1966 – (#14 – ? )

1967 – (#15 – Feb)

1969 – (#16 – ? )

1970 – (#17 – May)

1971 – (#18 – May)

1972 – (#19 – Aug) (#20 – Nov)

1973 – (#21 – Feb) (#22 – Aug) (#23 – ? )


— Faned: Tommy Ferguson. A perzine pubbed out of Toronto. “Tommy is originally from Northern Ireland, and is back there again, but he lived in Toronto for a short time, and got back into fanpubbing while he was here. To the best of my knowledge, only two issues of this very personal perzine.

1977 – (#1 – Feb) – Article about some of the loves of Tommy’s life, and decisions about his health, list of recent purchases of music CDs, locs on previous fanzines Gotterdammerung and TASH, and the fight to be called Tom, Tommy or Thomas. (LP)

Ferguson writes: “So the new zine, eh? I should warn you there will be a lot more ehs in this zine, simply because it is a national phrase in Canada. I have succumbed rather too quickly to this because I’m from Derry in Northern Ireland where is a similar affliction of saying ‘Hey!’ after each sentence…. appears I did make the right choice of country, linguistically speaking.”

Thish features a very personal lifestyle article titled “No Surface, All Feeling”, which is too personal to quote. There is a long-standing tradition in fanzinedom to write self-referential articles as vividly and astoundingly personal as anything to be found in a diary. This goes right back to the fad of fannish Autoanalyses in the 1930s, but tends to be more in the form of introspective essays today, as in Ferguson’s essay.

Kevin Carter contributes an article addressing the supposed need to attract new blood to fanzinedom: “We’re here, we’re not hiding…. let the people who are genuinely interested, and hopefully interesting, come and find us. That way the gene pool of fandom will be much stronger — they haven’t been dragged or lured, they WANT to join this merry throng.”

– (#2 – May) – Article about meeting up with Toronto’s best female fans, another about fanzine reviews and what use they are, plus lots of locs. (LP)


— Faned: Barry Meikle. A mimeod genzine pubbed out of Peterborough, Ontario circa 1979. At least five issues from 1979 to 1980, #5 being 48 pages in size. At the time, Barry was a member (and possible founder?) of PSFiC, the PENULTIMATE SF CLUB of Peterborough.

1978 – (#1 – May) (#2 – Aug) (#3 – ? )

1979 – (#4 – May) – States Victoria Vayne regarding #4: “…from one of several new active fans in Ontario not far from Toronto… This one is a small genzine, including writing by the editor, and has potential.”

Writing in the Sept 1979 issue of THE LULU REVIEW, Ed Beauregard rates #4 as “Fair“, commenting: “This somewhat disappointing genzine contains a long, rambling editorial which ranges from personality changes, to logic, to education. It is followed by a tasteless and pointless article on seduction. News of Nova Scotia fandom and a couple of pages of fanzine reviews are the highpoints of this issue. An article on religion as an addiction….. A letter column of moderate length and acceptable quality rounds out the zine. The artwork is generally good, but the quality of printing needs improvement…”

1980 – (#5 – Aug)

[ See PSFiC ]


— Faned: Paul Wyszkozwski. A perzine pubbed circa mid-1960s. The last issue came out in 1966, possibly in August.

Of his art Taral Wayne wrote: “Paul did his own work, and was indifferent to bad, with a sense of design he used occasionally to good effect, but not often enough. More often he resorted to the kind of stfnal cheesecake more typical of 50’s SF than fan art.”

This is not surprising, since Wyszkowski’s fanac goes back at least as far as the early 1950s when he wrote locs and articles for Browne’s VANATIONS. He was still active as late as the early 1970s with an apazine called BLIND STARLING. (TW)


— Faned: Don McCaskill. Pubbed out of Victoria, B.C., probably early 1987. A fanzine replacing his earlier STARSTONE.


— Faned: K’Hack/Berny Reischl. Klingon Klubzine pubbed out of Montreal, Quebec.

      “This was the extremely well-produced zine for the members of the Quebec & Canadian chapters of KAG, the Klingon Attack Group. As a professional graphic artist, Berny produced this zine with lots of news, art & photographs, but as usually happens, the zine was underappreciated, and apathy eventually led to the zine’s end. Berny’s departure from KAG probably had something to do with it, too. The zine promoted links to other Klingon groups around the world, & Berny’s pin business too. I locced each issue I received, and got somewhat involved with Kag, but never enough to make my own costume.” (LP)

199? – (#1 to #8 ? )

1992 – (#9 – May) (#10 – Sep)

1993 – (#11 – Jan) (#12 – ? ) (#13 – ? )

1994 – (#14 – Apr) (#15 – Sep)

1995 – (#16 – Jan) (#17 – Apr)

1996 – (#18 – Feb) (#19 – May)

1997 – (#20 – Jan)

1998 – (#21 – Jul) (#22 – Dec)

1999 – (#23 – Jul)

2000 – (#24 – Apr) – Final issue.


— Faned: Janet (Small) Wilson. A feminist genzine pubbed out of Toronto circa 1974, but as an OSFiC production distributed free to all members of the Ontario Science Fiction Club. At least two issues. (The product of a club policy at that period to financially support genzines by different club members. There were four in all, the two issues of DISTAFF, and OSFiC…EVENTUALLY by Taral Wayne and THE VATI-CON III PROGRAM BOOK by Victoria Vayne.)

In her editorial in #1, Small stated: “There we were, peacefully planning a talk on women in science fiction… when someone said, “The female OSFiC members really ought to get out a fanzine.” The general opinion later was that whoever said it had been me, so I was handed the job…. DISTAFF was never meant to be the voice of rabid feminism… So we arrived at the policy that we were looking for work either by or about women, preferably both, done by people who were either female or OSFiC members, preferably both…. Our plan finally earned the blessing of the Club Conscience, who also gave us the title when he referred to “the distaff side of the club” one day at a meeting…”

1974 – (#1 – Aug) – included an excellent article by Victoria Vayne on ‘Females In The Future: A Look at the Treatment of Women in SF’ (in which she declares: “Heinlein, for ‘Podkayne of Mars’, I vote you the Male Chauvinist Pig of 1963 Award!”), another article by Vayne titled ‘The Privileged Place of Women in Society’, consisting mostly of quotes from a religious tract by ‘Granite Head’ Armstrong (Sample quote: “It is indeed SADDENING today to see women SHAMELESSLY wander the streets like wantons, take JOBS, remain SINGLE, SHIRK their God-ordained RESPONSIBILITIES, and BELIEVE in EVOLUTION. Women’s lib is CONTRARY to God’s Holy Word and its spread must be HALTED!”), and assorted locs including one from Mike Glicksohn.

The bacover art is a wonderful piece by Taral Wayne the exact reverse of the old ‘Brass Bra in Peril’ pulp art of the past. It depicts a helpless man (apparently fainted) wearing nothing but boots, torn shorts and a glass bubble helmet, in the grip of a two-headed, two-breasted Hydra-like tentacled female alien, who is being rayed by a blaster fired by a determined woman, also in glass bubble but wearing a proper, tight-fitting Space Cadet style spacesuit. It purports to be the cover for a mag called ‘STUPEFYING EPICS’, and indeed the next too last sheet in the zine consists of two pages of the hilariously bad story ‘Revenge in Interplanetary Space’, unfortunately not credited. Perhaps it was a group story by club members.

Sample quote: “Back on the bridge #*rXaeiui-‘G, the Krond Captain, returned to her studies of the scintillating rows of indicators. One of them, a prominent carborundum coloured crystal hexoid, flashed ominously…”

1975 – (#2 – Sep)


— Faneds: Taral Wayne & Victoria Vayne. A bi- or tri-weekly newszine “of quintessential faanishness”, mimeod on twiltone paper, pubbed out of Willowdale, Ontario, from 1978 to 1980, followed by a couple of annish, 34 issues in all. A very important Canadian zine of the day, and a nominee for the “Worst Fanzine Title” in the 1979 Hogu awards.

Writing in BCAPA in Feb 1980, Vayne stated: “At the moment my primary fanac is the newsletter, DNQ, that I co-edit with Taral. It’s been keeping fanzine trades for both of us at decent levels, and is the sort of thing that (ideally) can be finished up in one evening provided writing and typing are done ahead….DNQ remains one of the two fannish newszines of the North American continent…” Note: Mike Glyer’s ‘FILE 770’ being the other newszine.

Writing in DNQ #1, Taral wrote: “DNQ is the child of diverse thoughts and stimuli among the Derelicts…” (Toronto SF fans) “As much as a lot of us may hate to admit it, Arnie Katz may have been right in his opinion that fandom needs a focal point. While newszines like Karass and File 770 do their job better than we’re willing to, they do not fulfill the need for what is essentially the SOUL of fandom. Squabbles over the Worldcon, stuffing the FAAns ballot box, and SFWA demands may be important, but …. are not why we become fans. We become fans to… collect coke cans, paint ourselves blue, eat fudge icing out of the can, and to bid for Worldcons five years past. THAT is the soul of faanishness! And that’s what DNQ is to be all about.”

1978 – (#1 – Apr) – 4 pages. Editorials by Taral & Victoria, ‘Derelict Arrogations’ – Toronto fanews, FAAn Awards Nominations, ‘Caveat Emptor’ – fanzine reviews by Taral.

– (#2 – May) – 4 pages. Editorials, ‘Derelict Arrogations’ – including the news that Jennifer Bankier of ORCA had devised a method of producing electrostencilled photographs [ See ] for fanzines, & ‘Caveat Emptor’ fanzine reviews.

– (#3 – June) – 8 pages. Editorials, ‘Derelict Arrogations’ – including Taral gloating over a box of 1940’s fanzines he picked up cheap at a con, more ‘Caveat Emptor’ fanzine reviews, and an essay by Taral: “Happiness is a warm T-shirt” about “the fannish abuse of egoboo”.

– (#4 – June) – 6 pages. Editorials, ‘Derelict Arrogations’ – mostly gossipy news of Toronto fan doings like trips to the dentist, & ‘Caveat Emptor’ fanzine reviews.

– (#5 – July) – 8 pages. Editorial by Taral in which he proclaims “No more teeth-yanking stories…From now on Toronto news must meet the standards… (of) intrinsic interest and/or humour….I’m also going to work a little harder at getting short articles, columns and artwork…”

‘Derelict Arrogations’ was now broader in topic, such as Argentinean fan Mae Strelkov’s impending visit to Seattle, news that DNQ has almost reached break even point with nearly 50 subscribers, etc.

“As if the Colonel weren’t enough” – true humour/horror story of a dead puppy almost-midnight-snack shock, and ‘Caveat Emptor’ fanzine reviews.

Enclosed is a 4 page TYPO #1 letter supplement, including a loc from Bill Brummer who writes: “Taral, does publishing a newsmagazine that specializes in local, uninteresting trivia really thrill you?”

– (#6 – July) – 12 pages, mostly news of an actual fanac nature: awards, cons, zine pubbing & lawsuits. Instead of ‘Caveat Emptor’ reviewing contemporary fanzines, Taral reviews a selection of legendary earlier zines like Lee Hoffman’s QUANDRY, Walt Willis’s HYPHEN/SLANT & Walt Liebscher’s CHANTICLEER. A review of the Autoclave 3 con in Detroit rounds out the issue.

– (#7 – Aug) – 10 pages. Fantasy art on the cover depicts a massive temple which resembles a propeller beanie. There’s a page on the latest Harlan Ellison feud, plenty of fanews, and ‘Caveat Emptor’ in which Taral comments: “It would almost seem as if most of the trappings of fandom were created in a few short years between 1939 and 1948. These were the years of Claude Degler, Rosebud, the first Slan shack, the first Worldcon, the birth of FAPA, staple wars, Ghu and Foo Foo, Who Sawed Courtney’s Boat, and other nonsense of the same sort. 30 years later and we still reiterate the burning issues and topical jokes of the time with little hope of ever knowing just what it was all about. Finding and reading the old zines where it all happened is a thrill undiminished by the insignificance of it all.”

Victoria contributes ‘Forced Faanish Parodies’ – reviews of nonexistent fanzines like: ‘The Con Mutiny’ & ‘Fanlet’.

– (#8 – Sept) – 8 pages. More fannish news, the return of ‘Derelict Arrogations’, commentary on the FAAn awards by Victoria (who is on the awards committee), and an article by Taral ‘An Introduction To The Fannish Social Register’ where he comments on the BNF’s that Neos look up to: “In my arrogantly presented opinion, most of the interesting work in fandom is being done by the up-and-comers. The established Fannish Legends are mostly resting on their slip-sheets and giving self-satisfied speeches at conventions.”

Enclosed is a two page sheet article “A Contribution To The Mathematical Theory Of Big Game Hunting’ by H. Petard – a densely written spoof re misapplied physics & math.

– (#9 – Sept) – 10 pages. Taken up mostly by two reviews of Iguanacon, the 36th World SF Con, by Victoria & Taral, the latter’s being very unusual, in that it is almost entirely devoted to his account of a side trip to the Grand Canyon.

There’s a very rude cartoon by Rotsler.

Enclosed is Typo #2 letter supplement with locs from the likes of Harry Warner Jr. & Arnie Katz.

– (#10 – Oct) – 18 pages, “The Decadish” issue, described as “the supreme moment of the cosmos on twiltone.” ‘Colophonic Verities’ explains the finances of pubbing an ish of DNQ.

An editorial by Taral titled ‘Telling It Like It Is, Isn’t It?’ comments: “In a faanish newszine I believe news should be expected to be fluid. We read not a summation of known facts but the process of discovery of the facts…. If everybody wants a newszine, nobody seems to want to be the news…. On three or four occasions we have been informed that our reportage was uninvited or unappreciated…”

‘Saturday Night At The Pub’ is a hilarious article by Victoria describing how she, Taral, Bob & Janet Wilson, Phil Paine & Moshe Feder print an ish of DNQ despite repeated phone calls from Bob Webber.

Taral contributes an excellent series of related articles: ‘You Gotta Suffer – How To Be A Fanartist’, ‘A Sketchy Fanart History’, and ‘How To Draw Better’.

‘The Way It Isn’t Any More’ by Saara Mar ( a fictional character created by Taral ), recounts a restaurant meeting of assorted fans.

Cover art depicts the DNQ pubbing crew hard at work on the next ish (with comments like “printing this page with a faded strip down one side was on purpose, wasn’t it?”)

Art work by Taral depicting fanartists Rotsler, Lee Hoffman, Randy Bathurst, Tim Kirk, Phil Foglio & Taral himself scattered through out.

– (#11 – Nov)“A subjective fit of extemporaneous fannishness” starts off with a ‘confession’ editorial by Taral stating that a recent issue of LAID pubbed out of Winnipeg by Garth Danielson & Michael S. Hall was absolutely correct in revealing that Toronto Fandom was a hoax by Taral, who admits: “Bob and Janet Wilson are two lazy cats… Patrick Hayden, the tempestuous and precocious editor of THANGORIDRIM is a combination of my Parson and his budgerigar… I faked the local club since it folded in 1975… I made everybody believe there were conventions in Toronto, including the ridiculous affair of the Trekcon that lost $27,000… I wrote and drew and locced hundreds of fanzines under a dozen different names…”

‘F.Y.I.’ details fannish news and ‘Index Expurgatorius’ reviews zines.

And Taral (?) contributes: ‘Moshe Feder’s Knees Bonier Than Victoria Vayne’s? – Thin Fandom Does An Experiment’, which concludes: “…even though Moshe nor Victoria could be said to have the advantage when it came to boniness, the wooden chair arm was preferable to either.”

– (#12 – Dec) – 8 pages. A special ‘history’ issue. Cover has Abby Hoffman’s famous book title ‘Steal This Book’ overlaid by Taral’s shouted words ‘Review This Zine!’

Ted White, Legendary US fan contributes: ‘A Look At The Pleistozine’, being his commentary on Taral’s reviews of old-time zines in DNQ #6, adding much fascinating info, like: “The first thirteen issues of VOID were published by Jim & Greg Bedford. In 1958, after the death of our mutual friend Kent Moomaw..” (whose suicide in 1958 shocked fandom) “…Greg… offered VOID to me…. I put out VOID 14 in spring of 1959…. it was VOID that invented the multi-page cover…”

‘A Thumbnail Sketch Of An Artist: Paul Kline’ by Taral covers the life and career of a fan artist notorious for his “…vigorous feuds. Between 1949 and 1951 he was instrumental in starting and perpetuating no less than 15 feuds in 8 separate fanzines…” But, as Taral wrote to me: “The Paul Kiline article is a complete work of fiction. There was no such artist, and the purpose of writing it was mainly to express the sense of frustration I felt myself as an artist in fandom.”

Taral finishes with a hilarious spoof of the ‘Heinlein Timeline’, in this case a chart outlining the history of fandom, beginning with the 1930s “First Fandom emerges from the primeval chaos of Mundania” to 1990 “Great paper shortage, unlicensed use of paper outlawed and most zines fold” to 2050 “Mimeo rediscovered” and 2070 “Extraterrestrial fans welcome us.”

1979 – (#13 – Jan) – The ‘Good Luck Ish’. F.Y.I. includes the news: “By 30 year old tradition, the actual meeting place of LASFS (Los Angeles SF Society) is called Freehafer Hall, in memory of Paul Freehafer, a very popular LASFSian who died in the mid-40s. But the club meets in the back building…. We needed a new name for the front building… the front building is now officially “Building 4SJ.” (After Forrest J. Ackerman, legendary US fan from the 1930s through the remainder of the century. Note: LASFS one of very few clubs which own their own club building.)

‘Index Expurgatorius’ reviews more zines.

A new column begins, ‘Sgt. Pepper Taught The Band To Play’, which excerpts news items from old fanzines, in this case from a Dec 1958 issue of FANAC, including info that a fan called “Boob” Stewart of San Francisco fandom is now Student Body President at a Catholic Seminary.

And Taral contributes: ‘How Vegetarianism Threatens To Destroy Fandom’ as in: “Obviously, deprived of our energy source..” (meat) “…fans will suffer exhaustion after unreasonably short bouts of talking, and the conversation will become a lost fan art, like hand-stenciled art and hectography…. Vegetarianism will unleash upon us a dreadful flood of crudzines as has never been suffered before…”

– (#14 – Feb)“Policy – We do not attempt to give comprehensive coverage of fandom so much as hope to add another dimension to the services provided by other fanzines…. To be honest, we aim to please ourselves…”

Taral contributes an editorial on the Taff race while Victoria writes about an alternate reality in which the FAAn award consists of a beanie-wearing pickle rather than a bheer can. (A whimsy on fannish difficulties in reaching decisions.)

There’s report of a Star Wars contest in which first prize for a humorous cartoon is a trip to England to tour the set of The Empire Strikes Back, winning cartoons to be published, “the catch is that a professional artist will REDRAW the cartoon… What self-respecting fan artist would put up with that?”

A ‘Sociological Study’ compares Toronto Fandom with B.C. Fandom, e.g.: (TO first): Talking vs. snogging, ideas vs. personalities, Lego vs. sex, sleazy vs. mellow, etc.

A reprint of items from a 1959 ish of FANAC and reviews of contemporary zines like Mike Glyer’s SCIENTIFRICTION #10 & Eric Mayer’s GROGGY.

TYPO #3 is included, being locs sent to DNQ on subjects as diverse as recent Worldcon problems and the FAAn Awards.

– (#15 – Mar) – Cover features a nifty Propeller Beanie Spaceship in orbit, by C.L. Healy.

Victoria describes production of DNQ: “Work on each issue is done in bits and pieces throughout the entire month preceding press date. The address and subscription file is updated continually…. news is collected from letters, fanzines, specific news reports and releases… and conversations….about two weeks before the press date we start writing up the news items, reviews and longer articles… Taral gives me the rough copy for his items, that issue’s artwork, and a suggested list and ordering of the contents…As a rule, I type the stencils…takes about three or four hours… Press date… is when it all comes together… Janet & Bob Wilson come along to help out, everyone brings food and records…. For printing efficiency we use more than one mimeo… After the last stamp is licked… we go for a ceremonial long walk to work the twiltone dust out of our systems…”

Taral talks about a hoax version of DNQ #14 perpetrated by Mike Hall, Robert Runte & David Vereschagin: “The problem we face is distinguishing which was ours since the imitation was excellently executed, right down to myriad typefaces and retina-defying colour combinations.”

Saara Mar, an alien alter ego of Taral’s, contributes a review of a concert by ‘Battered Wives’ & ‘Elvis Costello’. “Costello was professional…. his bad taste had class…”

The recent death of Australian fan Ron Graham is noted, a self-made millionaire who, among other things, purchased Donald Wollheim’s collection of fanzines from the 1930s and 1940s. Graham’s collection reportedly willed to the Fisher library at the University of Sidney.

A fascinating article on the pricing of old prozines vs. fanzines is reprinted from #3 of NOVA, dated 1943, “the zine published by the original Slan Shack in Battle Creek, Michigan.”

TYPO # 4 included as a rider. (RGC)

      “The mimeo reproduction is first rate: good clean printing with frequent use of two colours.” (EB)

– (#16 – Apr) – Cover an almost photograph-like realistic depiction of a female elf by Taral.

Bulk of the issue taken up by three articles: 1) a review of fannish events in 1978 by Victoria Vayne, 2) ‘Auld Slang Sayings’ by Irish fan Bob Shaw on the origin of such slang terms as ‘laid back’ & ‘no way’., & 3) a reprint of a 1971 article by Harry Warner Jr. on the legendary room party held in room 770 at the 1951 Worldcon in New Orleans. One local fan commented “I haven’t had so much fun since Huey Long got shot.”

Also present, the Negoboo poll conducted by Taral, with categories like ‘Most Repetitious Formula Hack’, Most Pretentious Fanzine’, etc. [ See NEGOBOO POLL ]

– (#17 – Apr) – Released in April also, really part 2 of #16. With assorted riders: TYPO #5, & Taral’s DNKJOLA, RED SHIFT #6, & BHOWLING #2.

Consists mostly of ‘F.Y.I.’ news items like the death of Al Hodge, who had been Captain Video in the 50s TV series, and complaints re Science Fiction Fandom meetings at pubs being swamped with underage Dr. Who and Star Trek fans.

‘Index Expurgatorius’ by Taral reviews 9 different fanzines, none of them Canadian.

– (#18 – May) – In the editorial Taral reveals his recent discovery that whereas Canadian records fit into Canadian milk crates, American records do not fit into American milk crates. After first considering “the absurd notion that liquid bulks of equal measure were shifted relativistically by movement to and from the poles (where different velocities of rotation of the earth caused Lorentzian contractions similar to the flattening of galaxies at cosmological distances)”, he decided that “Canadian records must be smaller.” Note: Taral is famous for the entire wall of milk crates in which he keeps his fanzine collection.

Mike Braken contributes an article on the art of writing fanzine reviews and why it is so difficult to be objective.

Victoria reviews 24 fanzines, of which only two are Canadian (DEVIL’S ADVOCATE & VOLTA).

And Greg Benford, in a reprint from VOID #26, 1961, talks about his brother Jim planning to include in his new zine articles by famous fans like Canadian Boyd Raeburn, Walt Willis and Tucker. “I’m writing the articles and putting their names on them”, Jim explained. “Three fake articles, that’s not too many.

– (#19 – Jun) –

– (#20 – July) –

– (#21 – Aug) –

– (#22 – Aug) –

– (#23 – Sept) –

– (#24 – Nov) –

1980 – (#25 – Jan) – (Note: Not mailed till June 1980) –

– (#26 – Dec) –

– (#27 – Feb) –

– (#28 – Apr) –

– (#29 – Jun) –

– (#30 – Jun) –

– (#31 – Aug) –

– (#40s – Nov) – Taral explains: “That’s DNQ40 base 8, not 40s, (or DNQ 32) dated Nov 80.   It was “edited” by Saara Mar.  The real DNQ 32 was Oct. 81 though.”

1981 – (#32 – Oct) – Brian Earl Brown wrote: “The penultimate issue of America’s other newszine. Taral and Victoria felt that news should be fun to read, and DNQ was always a lively rag. It was also well designed with a lot of Taral’s art and a regular column by the John Berry of Irish fandom. The final issue has been due out for most of a year and plans are for it to be a big one 80+ pages. At the time of this DNQ Victoria and Taral were planning to continue pubbing with a non-newszine titled RSN. Also Victoria tired of her typing duties and we’ll be lucky to even see the LAST DNQ let alone new zines from Toronto.”

1984 – (#33 – Nov ) –

– (#34 – Aug)“This is an entertaining, infuriating, educational and class project; the culmination of two years of kvetching & tsuris, and creative endeavour. Here are united ‘A Smile Is A Frown Upside Down,’ by Susan Wood; ‘The Miscarriage of Heaven & Hell,’ by Taral; ‘The Great Flushing In 86’ movie, by Stu Shiffman, and more, with fanart by Taral, Marc Schirmeister, & Jerry Colins.” – (GS)

Taral adds: “DNQ 33 and 34 were mailed together, I think. 33 came after 34 for some reason. DNQ 34 is dated Aug 1984, and 33 is Nov ’84.”


— Faned: ? Spoofzine? Taral writes: “There was also a DNQ RSN, but I’m having trouble remembering whether it was that hoax issue by Hall or Runté, or something else.  If I figure it out, I’ll let you know.”


— Faned: Gina Lockett. Perzine pubbed out of Toronto in the late 1970s & early 1980s. At least 19 issues.

1980 – (#19 – Fall?)“In its first incarnation a rather serconish fantasy zine, this zine has gradually become one of the most recondite personalzines in fandom, her writing covering diverse topics such as the history of pasta, holograms recorded in jello, how to chocolate coat ants, and food no-one eats. The logo art was printed with a potato. (It was a theme issue.) Phil Pane’s page on the new wave scene was its usual delight.” – (TW)


— Faned: Henry Argasinski. Perzine or more probably a high school clubzine circa 1976/77. Most likely promoted Argasinski’s STELLAR FOUNDATION which, among other things, planned to build an entire city for fans to be called COSMIC CITY. As the name suggests, Argasinski was dedicated to following in Claude Degler’s footsteps. Most unusual.



— Faned: Elizabeth Pearse. Clubzine pubbed out of Mississauga, Ontario, on behalf of the Draco Film Society, a media-orientated SF club.

The first 10 issues were only 4 pages each, but reached as many as 20 pages by 1976, possibly reflecting the growth of the club. Contents likely to have included the main interests of the club, namely horror films and Star Trek, but also general Sf interest topics like model making & filksinging. (GS) (TW)

1974 – (#1 – Oct) (#2 – Nov) (#3 – Dec)

1975 – (#4 – Jan) (#5 – Feb) (#6 – Mar) (#7 – Apr) (#8 – May) (#9 – ?) (#10 – Sep) (#11 – Oct) (#12 – Nov) (#13 – Dec)

1976 – (#14 – Jan) (#15 – Feb) (#16 – Mar) (#17 – Apr) And possibly further issues, the club apparently still active till 1982 at least, if not longer.



— Faned: Charles Saunders. Publisher: Charles de Lint. Semi-pro? fictionzine pubbed out of Ottawa, Ontario. At least one issue.

“Ottawa seems to be evolving into the fantasy capital of this nation. There are a great many writers working their way out of the woodwork, back there. And a goodly number of zines where their work is published. DRAGONBANE is one of the better ones.”

      “Tales of Heroic Fantasy it surely is. The first issue, just released, boasts quite a collection of tales by various up & coming writers: Charles Saunders, Galad Elflandsson, David Madison, who sadly took his own life but a short while ago, Michael Ambrose, Michael Danagher, Charles de Lint; & various others. The issue is lead by a tale from Tanith Lee.”

     “DRAGONBANE might be called the rich man’s DARK FANTASY, if one were looking for comparison. But there are great differences, too. As far as printing,, layout and overall presentation, DRAGONBANE is the tops.”

“There are some really good pieces of artwork by such notables as Dave Sim, Gene Day, John Charette, & Heather Browne. Far better than most pieces which appear in zines.” (DH)

1978 – (#1 – Fall?)


— Faned: Maureen McKenna. Star Trek fictionzine pubbed out of Gloucester, Ontario, circa 1983. (GS)


— Faned: Keith Fenske. Prolific fiction perzine pubbed out of Edmonton, Alberta over a brief two-year period.

1979 – (#1 – Mar) (#2 – Apr) (#3 – May) (#4 – Jun) (#5 – July) (#6 – Aug) (#7 – Sep) (#8 – Oct) (#9 – Nov) (#10 – Dec)

1980 – (#11 – Jan) (#12 – Feb)

– (#13 – Mar)“I’ve been meaning to review this strange little fanzine for months. It is unlike any other zine I know insofar as it is largely fiction but not science fiction, and is quite readable. It is not a fanfiction zine. Keith writes it all himself, and doesn’t purport to be an (imitation) prozine. I don’t intend to say any more about DREAMSCAPES as, in general, the issues best speak for themselves.” – (TW)

– (#14 – Apr) (#15 – May) (#16 – Jun) (#17 – Jul) (#18 – Aug) (#19 – Sep)


–Faned: Cliff (C.F.) Kennedy. This longest-lived title of Cliff’s went exactly 100 issues (though there may have been an issue 66A somewhere along the way) running approximately from 1986 to 1998. Most issues were short stories, poems, clipart, some original art, and letters of comment. (LP)

“Drift is a small periodical or ‘zine’ that is published whenever, using material by who-or-whom-ever, however.”

1995 – (#67 – Feb)

1996 – (#78 – Jan)


— Faneds: Kevin Jepson, Eric Tilbrook & Bonnie Liesemer. Newsletter of DEC, the Calgary SF club from 1979 to 1981 at least.

1979 – (#1 – Dec)

1980 – (#2 – Mar) (#3 – ?)

1981 – (#4 – ?) (#5 – Jun)

[ See DEC ]