Canadian Fanzine Fanac Awards Stats

Voting for the 2013 Canadian Fanzine Fanac Awards (‘Faneds’) is now complete. Winners will be announced at VCON 38 Oct 4-6. Here are some stats concerning the awards:

19 voters (almost twice as many as I anticipated) which equals 151 votes awarding 294 points to 25 nominee positions based on 18 actual nominees (some nominees being up for more than one category). Some voters chose fewer nominees than the maximum number they were entitled to vote for, presumably because these were the only choices they were familiar with.

Each voter was allowed 3 votes in each category (except for one category where there were only two nominees) in order of preference, for a maximum of 11 votes per voter. Points were awarded on the basis of vote preference: first choice = 3 points, 2nd choice = 2 points, and 3rd choice = 1 point.

Maximum number of votes a nominee could receive = 57. Most votes any winner received = 40. Least votes any nominee received = none.

Great and wonderful things about the voting include:

A) There is no evidence of block voting. Voters were evenly distributed across the country: 9 from British Columbia, 6 from Ontario, and 4 from Quebec.

B) The vote, meagre as it is (but then, so is the scope and scale of Canadian Fanzine Fanac), is truly a peer sponsored award, in that — as far as I am aware — almost all the voters were or are active in Canadian fanzine fandom: 8 = current, active Faneds; 5 = Faneds active in the past; 3 = current contributors to zines; 3 = readers.

My thanks to them as voted: Keith Braithwaite, Lindsay Brown, R. Graeme Cameron, Paula Johanson, Cathy Palmer-Lister, Steve Fahnestalk, Keith Lim, Jenni Merrifield, Murray Moore, Andrew C. Murdoch, Lloyd Penney, Yvonne Penny, Lester Rainsford, Garth Spencer, Sylvain St-Pierre, Felicity Walker, Taral Wayne, Neil Williams, Rose Wilson.

I note that 3 well-known Faneds of the past declined to vote on the grounds they were not aware of the contemporary zine scene. Fair enough.

Considering that the first Faned Awards (2011) were awarded on the basis of my personal fiat, and the second (2012) on the basis of scattered suggestions, this first actual vote is a major if incremental step forward. All things considered, I am very pleased.

1) Converted ( M ) — from  MAD COMICS to MOTA  in LEGENDS & LORE into a complete Canfancyclopedia listing, under Fan History, Canadian Fancyclopedia.

2) Converted ( N ) — from  NEOTRIC to  NYDAHL’S DISEASE in LEGENDS & LORE into a complete Canfancyclopedia listing, under Fan History, Canadian Fancyclopedia.

3) Converted ( O ) — from OBLIQUE HOUSE  to OZARK LOVE CAMP  in LEGENDS & LORE into a complete Canfancyclopedia listing, under Fan History, Canadian Fancyclopedia.

September 9/2013

2013 Canadian Fanzine Fanac Awards vote now complete. Results & stats will be released tomorrow. But Mike Glyer of FILE 770 < > has been given advance info and will be posting it at his site soon (I hope).

Meanwhile, slogging along with the VCON 38 Program Book composition. It is to ARRGH with frustration! But its slowly taking shape.

1) Added BCSFAzine (#484) September 2013 — edited by Felicity Walker, under Clubs, BC Clubs, BCSFA, BCSFAzines you can read, Felicity Zines.

2) Converted ( K ) — from  KHAMSIN to KTP  in LEGENDS & LORE into a complete Canfancyclopedia listing, under Fan History, Canadian Fancyclopedia.

3) Converted ( L ) — from  LACKTIVITY to LOYAL AND BENEVOLENT ORDER OF WOLLHEIM STOOGES  in LEGENDS & LORE into a complete Canfancyclopedia listing, under Fan History, Canadian Fancyclopedia.

September 7/2013

1) Converted ( H ) — from HALCON SF & FANTASY SOCIETY to HYDRA NORTH in LEGENDS & LORE into a complete Canfancyclopedia listing, under Fan History, Canadian Fancyclopedia.

2) Converted ( I ) — from  IAOPUMUMSTFPUSA to “IT’S A PROUD AND LONELY THING TO BE A FAN.”  in LEGENDS & LORE into a complete Canfancyclopedia listing, under Fan History, Canadian Fancyclopedia.

3) Converted ( J ) — from JOE FANN to JUSTIFICATION in LEGENDS & LORE into a complete Canfancyclopedia listing, under Fan History, Canadian Fancyclopedia.

September 5/2013

A longtime friend of mine, Nico Iormetti, a fixture in Vancouver fandom for decades, paid me a very nice compliment regarding this website:

“It’s so simple and clear, easy to navigate. You can find whatever you’re looking for right away. Wonderfully easy to browse through. You know what you’ve done? You’ve created a typical 1990s website back in the day  when the object was to show content rather than bury it beneath prettified layout. Offers what it offers and nothing more. Congratulations! It’s a good website.”

I was very pleased to hear this. Exactly my intent.

1) Converted ( F ) — from FALCON to FUTURE FANTASY FRENCH in LEGENDS & LORE into a complete Canfancyclopedia listing, under Fan History, Canadian Fancyclopedia.

September 2/2013

My web site fanac is going to slow for awhile as I deal with VCON deadlines. For instance, I just mailed off all the manuscripts to be critiqued by the 21 participants in the 3 writers workshps at VCON 38.

Nice to note that two of the pros who will be attending the workshops just won awards at LoneStarCon 3, the 71st World Convention, in Texas. Dan Wells netted BEST RELATED WORK HUGO for ‘Writing Excuses Season Seven,’ and Mur Lafferty won the JOHN W. CAMPBELL AWARD FOR BEST NEW WRITER. Huzzah!

1) Converted ( D ) — from DABBLERS to DWF MERIT AWARDS in LEGENDS & LORE into a complete Canfancyclopedia listing, under Fan History, Canadian Fancyclopedia.


After consultation with the other SMOFF (Secret Master of Faned Fandom) Taral Wayne, who does the Award Certificates, it has been decided to extend the Faned Awards vote to:


Midnight, Pacific Mountain Time, Sunday, September 8th.

For info, see August 30th Blog.



If you are at all acquainted with one or more Canadian SF FanZines, follow the instructions below and vote for the Canadian Fanzine Fanac Awards (or ‘Faneds’) now!

DEADLINE = Midnight August 30th (Today!) Pacific Standard Time.

You are entitled to vote as many as 11 times for the assorted nominees, but you can vote for fewer if that’s all you want to do. But each and every vote counts!

Four simple steps:

1) copy the ballot below

2) paste into an email directed at me

3) fill in three or fewer choices per category in order of preference (1) (2) (3)

4) hit ‘send’

Fight Fannish Apathy! Vote now!

(Be sure to include info as to what part of Canada you reside in. City and province info will do. Just to establish your ‘Canadianicity’.)

2013 FANED AWARDS BALLOT (for achievements in 2012)


[ Note: Taral not eligible since won last year. ]

(    ) – Keith Braithwaite – ( Impulse, Warp )
(    ) – R. Graeme Cameron – ( Space Cadet, etc. )
(    ) – Charles Mohapel – ( Ottawa SF Statement )
(    ) – Cathy Palmer –Lister – (Warp )
(    ) – Lester Rainsford – (Swill )
(    ) – Dale Speirs – ( Opuntia )
(    ) – Garth Spencer – (One Swell Foop )
(    ) – Ken Tapping – ( Ottawa SF Statement )
(    ) – Felicity Walker – ( BCSFAzine )
(    ) – Neil Williams – ( Swill )

[ Note: Scott Patri not eligible since won last year. ]

(    ) – R. Graeme Cameron – ( Beloved Binema ) I’m worst actually…
(    ) – Marquies Boies – ( Warp )
(    ) – Bernard Reischl – ( Warp )
(    ) – Taral Wayne – ( Space Cadet, etc. )

[ Note: Michael John Bertrand not eligible since won last year. ]

(    ) – Lloyd Penney – ( Everything )
(    ) – Taral Wayne – ( Assorted )

[ Note: Swill not eligible since won last year. ]

(    ) – BCSFAzine – ( Ed: Felicity Walker )
(    ) – Broken Toys – ( Ed: Taral Wayne )
(    ) – Detritous – ( Ed: Rodney Leighton )
(    ) – One Swell Foop – ( Ed: Garth Spencer )
(    ) – Opuntia – ( Ed: Dale Speirs )
(    ) – Ottawa SF Statement  — ( Ed: Grant Duff )
(    ) – Space Cadet – ( Ed: R. Graeme Cameron )
(    ) – Warp – ( Ed: Cathy Palmer-Lister )

August 29/2013

1) Added five issues of  LIFE OF RODNEY (#1-5) 2012-2013, edited by RODNEY LEIGHTON & CHUCK CONNOR, under SF Zines, Zines You Can Read, Nova Scotia Zines, Rodney.

2) Added ( Y ) section of fanzine bibliography, covering YEECH!  to YOU CAN’T GET TO HEAVEN ON ROLLER SKATES INFREQUENTLY and ( Z ) section of fanzine bibliography, covering THE ZERO-G LAVATORY to ZX, under SF Zines, Fanzines (A-Z).

3) Converted ( C ) — from CAFP to THE CYGNUS SCIENCE SOCIETY in LEGENDS & LORE into a complete Canfancyclopedia listing, under Fan History, Canadian Fancyclopedia.