July 13/2013

1) Added BCSFAzine (#195) August 1989 — Editor R. Graeme Cameron, Under SF Clubs/Orgs BCSFA.

2) Added BCSFAzines (#300-330) edited by John C.H. Wong, under SF Clubs/Orgs BCSFA.

3) Added assorted documents to History of WCSFA Archives including, 1981 Archive rules proposal, Gerald Boyko Archivist report #4 1981, transfer receipts re Gerald passing on archive to me, and 4 of my State of the Archive Reports from 1996.

July 12/2013

1) Added links from onsite Zines index page to the various zine pages.

2) Added 1952 Canadian Fan Directory published by CSFA, under Canadian Science Fiction Association.

3) Added VCON 1 ASSORTED DOCUMENTS page with advert poster, invite letter to GoH Ursula K. LeGuin, Sun Newspaper review of VCON 1, and Province Newspaper review by Michael Walsh of VCON 1, under SF Conventions, VCON.

4) Added first two BCSFAzines (#193, 194) edited by R. Graeme Cameron, under SF Clubs/Orgs, BCSFA.

5) Added BCSFAzines (#331-429) 2000-2009 edited by Garth Spencer, under SF Clubs/Orgs, BCSFA.

REVIEW: BCSFAzine #482 July 2013 Editor FELICITY WALKER

CONTENT: Brad Foster cover. Opens with loc column. Calendar of Lower Mainland SF&F events thru end August. Notes on last club meeting’s conversation. Assorted SF news items. My open letter to Canadian Faneds. Red Planet Blues book launch report.

COMMENT: Unusual for a zine to open with the loc column, but I like locs, so works well for me. The Calendar is extensive and detailed, giving a good run down of what is going on locally. News items short and varied, which is a good way to do it. Always a good read.

See BCSFAzines

July 10/2013

This is my first blog posting. My thanks to Jean Weber for converting my home page into a blog and for having the patience to explain to me how to post. I really am extraordinarily computer illiterate. No intuitive logic instincts at all.

Be that as it may, today I accomplished:

1) Added IMPULSE (Nov 89, Jan 1990) — edited by T. MASON, C. MAGNUSSEN, & K. BRAITHWAITE, a frequent MonSFFA Newsletter, under SF Clubs/Orgs, MonSFFA.

2) Added WARP (V.2#1) 1988 — edited by MICHAEL MASELLA & KEVIN HOLDEN, the major MonSFFA Newsletter, under SF Clubs/Orgs, MonSFFA.

3) Added REQUIEM (V.1#1) Septembre 1974 — edited by NORBERT SPEHNER, later became SOLARIS, under SF Zines, Quebec Zines.

July 8/2013

1) Added four documents concerning UBC SFFEN: 1968 club application form, 1970 letter from Isaac Asimov, proposal for 1971 SF Festival, and minutes of first two club meetings in October of 1968.

2) Added MARCHING TO VICTORIA (1996) by Garth Spencer, (a history of Victoria clubs), under Club/orgs SFAV, History AND under Fan History, Garth.

3) Tidied up SF Zines menu tree.

4) Added À BAS (#0) 1954 — edited by Boyd Raeburn, under SF Zines Historic.

5) Added MOHDZEE (#1) 1948 — edited by Fred Hurter Jr, under SF Zines, Historic.

6) Added a question and answer to the FAQ regarding the matter of who has responsibility for the contents of everything uploaded to this site.

7) Added a question and answer to the FAQ as to whether a non-Canadian zine can be hosted at this site.

8) Added a question and answer to the FAQ as to whether fan fiction will be hosted at this site.

9) Added UP THE TUBE (SFAVzine V.1#1) 1978 – edited by Stan G. Hyde, under SF Clubs/Orgs SVAVzines.

July 7/2013

1) Published three articles “Why publish a fanzine?” “How to create a fanzine?” and “Where do I publish?” under the incredibly long heading under SF Zines on the main menu.

2) Added complete set of UNDER THE OZONE HOLE (#1-19) 1992-2007 — edited by John Willcox Herbert amd Karl Johanson, under SF Zines.

3) Added latest BCSFAzine (#482) July 2013 — edited by Felicity Walker, under SF Clubs/Orgs, BCSFA.

July 6/2013

1) Added SUPRAMUNDANE STORIES (#1-2) 1937-1938 — edited by Nils Helmer Frome. This is a very big deal. Supramundane is Canada’s oldest surviving SF fanzine and the first to make a big splash in North American fandom. (The first Canadian zine published, THE CANADIAN SCIENCE FICTION FAN, came out spring 1936, and only Donald Wollheim is on record as having seen it. Contents and identity of editor unknown. No copy is known to exist.) Frome is not only Canada’s first widely known faned, he is arguably Canada’s first BNF! (Big Name Fan.) Note: you can find them under SF Zines Historic.

My ecstatic thanks to Kenneth W. Faig Jr. who yesterday gave me permission to scan the contents of the two issues of SUPRAMUNDANE STORIES printed within the pages of his limited edition monograph HOWARD PHILLIPS LOVECRAFT AND NILS HELMER FROME: A RECOLLECTION OF ONE OF CANADA’S EARLIEST SCIENCE FICTION FANS (1989 Moshassuck Press) edited by Sam Moskowitz. Mr. Faig Jr. had sent me a photocopy of the sold out book back in 2002 to aid my research for my Canadian Fancyclopedia, and now he furthers the cause of Cdn SF Fandom by letting me scan and upload the two zines in their entirety. Huzzah! (I point out his latest book, THE UNKNOWN LOVECRAFT, is available at Hippocampus Press.) Absolutely imperial!

Being a scan of a photocopy of a published copy scanned from a fading original, some of the pages are hard to make out, but I figure 80% of the text is readable, enough to convey the spirit and enthusiasm of Nils Helmer Frome in his pioneering zine. Check it out!

(Why H.P. Lovecraft & Frome? Because the two corresponded. Note that issue two contains both a short story and an essay on writing weird fiction contributed by Lovecraft. Pretty amazing. Astounding in fact.)

2) Added VCON 2 PROGRAM BOOK (1972) under SF Conventions VCON.

July 5/2013

1) Added 3 mini-essays on SFAV History, 1 each by Stan G. Hyde, Paul Delaney, and Garth Spencer, under SFAV History.

2) Added mini-essay on the origin of first SFAVzines, by Stan G. Hyde, under SF Zines, SFAVzines.

3) Added VCON 1 Program Book (1971) under SF Conventions VCON.

4) Added History of the Canadian SF Association (1953) — by Jack Bowie-Reed, under Sf Clubs/Orgs,Canadian SF Association, History.

5) Added 1948 Constitution of Canadian SF Association under SF Clubs/Orgs, Canadian SF Association, Constitution.

July 4/2013

1) Added THE LONG DISTANCE VOYEUR (#1) December 1990 — edited by Paul Valcour, under SF Zines, Misc. One-shots and Single Samples.

2) Added 1990 CUFF TRIP REPORT —  Paul Valcour, under CUFF, CUFF TRIP REPORTS. (Note, account of accident on way to the convention. Actual report never written. However, contains much info on early CUFF status)

3) Added SFEAR (#2) December 1985 — edited by Steve George, under SF Zines Steve George.

4) Added UP THE TUBES (SFAVzine V.1#2) July-August 1978 — edited by Stan G. Hyde, under SFAVav Zines.

July 2/2013

1) Added THE CENTRAL GANGLION (#2) 1982 — edited by Garth Spencer, under SF Zines Garth.

2) Added THE MONTHLY MONTHLY (#1) 1980 — edited by Christine Klyuk (of The Gang of Four), under SF Zines Gang of Four.

3) Added DNQ (#1-2) 1978 — edited by Taral Wayne, under SF Zines Taral.

4) Added COVERT COMMUNICATIONS FROM ZETI CORVI (#1) September 1998 — edited by Andrew C. Murdoch, under SF Zines Andrew C. Murdoch.

5) Added CANFAPA (#1) March 1998, (#2) May 1998 — O.E. = R. Graeme Cameron, unfder SF Zines Graeme Cameron.

6) Added VANATIONS (#4) February 1953 — edited by Norman G. Browne, under SF Zines Historic Vanations.

7) Added new page devoted to current status of upcoming VCON 38, how to register, how to book hotel, etc. under SF Conventions VCON.