Sources? — ANSWER (Click to see)

Don’t give me too much credit for what you see written and displayed on this site. I stand on the shoulders of giants. I have merely added a few inches to the heights they achieved.



Sources include:

THE BRITISH COLUMBIA SCIENCE FICTION ASSOCIATION ARCHIVE: FANZINE COLLECTION – Originally the private collection of Susan Wood, donated to the British Columbia Science Fiction Association. Many fanzines accumulated in the years following. Currently estimated to contain more than 7,000 individual issues under 700 + titles. Approximately 20% of the archive consists of Canadian zines.



(Listed in order by date of publication)

UP TO NOW:  (1939) ‘A History of Fandom as Jack Speer sees it’ by Jack Speer — 1994 edition by Richard C. Newsome — ARCTURUS Press, Brooklyn, NY, U.S.A.

SF CHECKLIST #8 (Nov 1942) by R.D. Swisher & F.N. Swisher.

FANCYCLOPEDIA (1944) by Jack Speer.

FANZINE INDEX (Dec 1952 to Nov 1959) by Bob Pavlat & Bill Evans.

THE CANADIAN FAN DIRECTORY (Fall 1952) published by the Canadian Science Fiction Association.

THE CANADIAN SF ASSOCIATION, A HISTORY (1953) by Jack Bowie-Reed — 1982 Edition produced & designed by Mike Horvat — American Private Press Association, Stayton, Oregon, U.S.A.

FANCYCLOPEDIA II (1959) by Dick Eney.


SAME AS IT EVER WAS (1982) by Taral Wayne. A series of articles published in various issues of NEW CANADIAN FANDOM detailing the early history of Canadian SF zinedom, with an emphasis on early fan artists.

NILS HELMER FROME, FOUND & LOST (1983) by Michael Dann — NEW CANADIAN FANDOM V1#6, Beflatte Publications, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Publisher: Michael Hall. Editor: Robert Runte.

CANADIAN FANZINE BIBLIOGRAPHY (June 1984) by Taral Wayne, Mike Hall & Keith Fenske. Listed alphabetically by name of Faneditor. 36 pages. Interestingly, the majority of zines listed are APAzines, reflecting the nature of Cdn zinedom at that time.

FANZINE BIBLIOGRAPHY BY TITLE (12 August 1985), sent to me by Murray Moore. Compiler’s identities not listed, but I suspect it is based on research originally done by Keith Fenske, Michael S. Hall, Taral Wayne (and Georges Giguere?) for the earlier CANADIAN FANZINE BIBLIOGRAPHY. Was widely available in dealers rooms at Canadian cons circa 1985/1986. International in scope, but at least 50% of the zines covered are Canadian. Listed alphabetically by title. 198 pages.

TORONTO THE GHOOD (1988) by Taral Wayne — A Taralble Mistake Publication #178, Willowdale, Ont, Canada. Reproduces articles by various Toronto Fen from several decades.

HOWARD PHILLIPS LOVECRAFT AND NILS HELMER FROME: A RECOLLECTION OF ONE OF CANADA’S EARLIEST SCIENCE FICTION FANS (1989) Edited by Sam Moskowitz. Moshassuck Monograph series Number 5. The Moshassuck Press, Glenview, Illinois. Publisher: Kenneth W. Faig, Jr.

OF TIME AND RESEARCH (1989) by Sam Moskowitz. Article appeared in TORUS #6, (Oct 1989). Valuable for Moskowitz’s own career summary, but especially for his account of his relationship with Nils Helmer Frome and how the Moshassuck Monograph on Frome came to be.

IF YOU’RE NOT ENJOYING YOURSELF, IT’S NOT MY PROBLEM: EDMONTON FANHISTORY (1991) by Garth Spencer. Serialized in BCAPA & OPUNTIA. Covers 1970s to 1990.

ON THE BONNY, BONNY BANKS OF THE FRASER (1993) by Garth Spencer. A history of British Columbia fandom in general and the British Columbia science Fiction Association in particular. Covers 1930s to early 1990s. Previous versions serialized in BCAPA & OPUNTIA.

A CHRONOLOGY OF CANADIAN FANDOM (1994) by Garth Spencer. Mostly a listing of Conventions but with mention of significant events, fanzines and fans. Covers 1930s to early 1990s.

TOWARDS A CALGARY FANHISTORY (1994) by Garth Spencer. Previous version serialized in BCAPA & OPUNTIA. Covers 1970s to 1994.

TORONTO FANHISTORY (1995) by Garth Spencer. Covers early 1940s to 1994 with emphasis on the Derelicts and OSFiC. At least a portion serialized later in OPUNTIA.

THE TRUFAN’S ADVISOR (1995) by Arnie Katz.

MARCHING TO VICTORIA (1996) by Garth Spencer. A history of Vancouver Island fandom with emphasis on Victoria and Nanaimo. Previous versions serialized in MAPLE LEAF RAG & OPUNTIA. Covers 1970s to early 1990s.

NET FANCYCLOPEDIA (1996) From ‘Usenet.rec.arts.sf.fandom’ by Dr. Gafia (Rich Brown).

FAAN TERMS (1998) Expanded version of the above Net Fancyclopedia, by Rich Brown.

NOTES TOWARDS MARITIME FANHISTORY (1996) by Garth Spencer. Serialized in OPUNTIA. Covers 1980s to 1990s.

NOTES TOWARDS A QUEBEC FANHISTORY (1996) by Garth Spencer. Covers 1980s to 1990s.

OTTAWA FANDOM (MAINLY THE OTTAWA SCIENCE FICTION SOCIETY) (1996) by Garth Spencer. Covers 1940s to 1990s.

WIERDS DID IT! – THE CHRONICLES OF B.C.S.F.A. Volume one (1998) by R. Graeme Cameron, BCSFA/WCSFA Press Publication #2. Detailed history of the British Columbia Science Fiction Association from beginnings 1968 to end of 1972, including VCONs 1 & 2, plus Philip K. Dick’s life in Vancouver. (Note: Old English spelling of ‘weird’, a ‘wierd’ being a race of fates or supramundanes who do odd things.)

A BRIEF HISTORY OF SWILL (2001), VileFen Press, Neil Williams, editor of SWILL.

REVISITING NYDAHL’S DISEASE (2002) by Joel Nydahl. TRAPDOOR #21 (March 2002) edited by Robert Lichtman.



(Listed in order by date of publication)

THE IMMORTAL STORM (1954): A History of Science Fiction Fandom’ by Sam Moskowitz — 1988 reprint edition — Hyperion Press, Inc., Westport, Connecticut, USA.

– ALL OUR YESTERDAYS (1969): by Harry Warner, Jr. – 1971 Hard Cover Edition — Advent: Publishers, Inc. Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.

– A WEALTH OF FABLE (1976): by Harry Warner Jr. — 1992 Hard Cover Edition — SCIFI Press, Van Nuys, California, U.S.A.

– THE FUTURIANS (1977): by Damon Knight — John Day Publishing, New York City. 186 pages. Hardbound.

– WARHOON #28 (1978 – May): collected works of Walt Willis. Published by Richard Bergeron, New York city. 614 pages. Hardbound.

– THE WAY THE FUTURE WAS (1978): by Frederik Pohl — Del Rey Ballantine Books, New York City. 312 pages. Hardbound.

– THE WORLD OF SCIENCE FICTION (1979): ‘The History of a Subculture’ by Lester Del Rey — Del Rey Ballantine Books, New York City. 416 pages. Softcover.

– YEARS OF LIGHT, A CELEBRATION OF LESLIE A. CROUTCH (1982): ‘A compilation & a commentary’ by John Robert Columbo — Hounslow Press, Toronto, Canada. 193 pages. Softcover.

HARRY WARNER, ALL OUR YESTERDAYS (1991): An Omnibus of the Writings of Harry Warner Jr. by Chuck Conners — Skate Press Inkorporated, Sildan House, Suffolk, England.

– THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SCIENCE FICTION (1993): by J. Clute & P. Nicholls.



(AK) – Arnie Katz

(BEB) – Brian Earl Brown.

(BD) – Brian A. Davis

(BK) – E. Bernie Klassen

(BP) – Bob Pavlot

(CK) – Christine Kulyk

(CP) – Curt Phillips

(CR) – Cecil Rose

(DE) – Dick Eney

(DH) – Dale Hammell

(DHu) – Don Hutchison.

(DK) – Damon Knight

(D&LZS) – Dick & Leah Zeldes Smith

(EB) – Ed Beauregard


(FP) – Frederik Pohl

(GF) – Gary Farber

(GS) – Garth Spencer

(HWJ) – Harry Warner, Jr.

(JBR) – Jack Bowie-Reed

(JGT) – J. Grant Thiessen

(JN) – Joel Nydahl

(JRC) – John Robert Colombo

(JWH) – John Willcox Herbert

(JS) – Jack Speer

(KS) – Keith Soltys

(LAC) – Leslie A. Croutch.

(LD) – Lari Davidson

(LI) – Lou Israel

(LP) – Lloyd Penney

(MD) – Michael Dann

(MG) – Mike Glicksohn.

(MM) – Murray Moore

(MS) – Mark Shainblum

(MW) – Michael Waite

(NL) – Nancy Lebowit

(NW) – Neil Williams

(PL) – Pierre D. Lacroix

(RB) – Richard Brown

(RBR) – Richard Brandt

(RGC) – Richard Graeme Cameron

(RH) – Robert Hanson

(SB) – Seth Breidbar

(SG) – Steve George

(SM) – Sam Moskowitz

(SS) – Suzi Stefl

(TW) – Taral Wayne

(VF) – Vaughn Fraser

(VV) – Victoria Vayne

(WW) – Walt Willis