Below you see a Ballot. Copy it, paste it into an email to be sent to me at rgraeme[at], mark 3 or fewer choices for each category, and hit ‘send.’

Or, even easier, send an email to me at the above address, I’ll email you a copy embedded in the body of the email. All you have to do is hit ‘reply’, fill it out, and then hit ‘send.’ Couldn’t be simpler.

Only Canadians can vote. You must be familiar with at least some of the zines and contributors listed. You can fill in three or fewer choices in each category. You don’t have to vote in every category, but every vote counts!


( Which is plenty of time. It takes only seconds to fill out the form and send it off to me. Please do! )

2013 FANED AWARDS BALLOT (for achievements in 2012)



[ Note: Taral not eligible since won last year. ]

(    ) – Keith Braithwaite – ( Impulse, Warp )

(    ) – R. Graeme Cameron – ( Space Cadet, etc. )

(    ) – Charles Mohapel – ( Ottawa SF Statement )

(    ) – Cathy Palmer –Lister – (Warp )

(    ) – Lester Rainsford – (Swill )

(    ) – Dale Speirs – ( Opuntia )

(    ) – Garth Spencer – (One Swell Foop )

(    ) – Ken Tapping – ( Ottawa SF Statement )

(    ) – Felicity Walker – ( BCSFAzine )

(    ) – Neil Williams – ( Swill )


[ Note: Scott Patri not eligible since won last year. ]

(    ) – R. Graeme Cameron – ( Beloved Binema ) I’m worst actually…

(    ) – Marquies Boies – ( Warp )

(    ) – Bernard Reischl – ( Warp )

(    ) – Taral Wayne – ( Space Cadet, etc. )


[ Note: Michael John Bertrand not eligible since won last year. ]

(    ) – Lloyd Penney – ( Everything )

(    ) – Taral Wayne – ( Assorted )


[ Note: Swill not eligible since won last year. ]

(    ) – BCSFAzine – ( Ed: Felicity Walker )

(    ) – Broken Toys – ( Ed: Taral Wayne )

(    ) – Detritous – ( Ed: Rodney Leighton )

(    ) – One Swell Foop – ( Ed: Garth Spencer )

(    ) – Opuntia – ( Ed: Dale Speirs )

(    ) – Ottawa SF Statement  — ( Ed: Grant Duff )

(    ) – Space Cadet – ( Ed: R. Graeme Cameron )

(    ) – Warp – ( Ed: Cathy Palmer-Lister )


I am somewhat disappointed no one responded to my request for input, nobody made a comment. Oh well, I carry on.

Hmmm… if you don’t want others to read your comments, just drop me a line at                < rgraeme[at] >.

Lately I decided I was needlessly complicating the site by trying to separate Fanspeak from Legends & Lore, and by removing certain entries from the Canfancyclopedia to go under headings of their own.

My solution? Leave every entry in the Canafancyclopedia (except fanzines and apae) for you to browse through. But if all you want on a particular day is to look up all the varied types of awards, for instance, I’ll duplicate them in a separate file labelled awards.Trying to make the style as convenient as possible.

Besides, I was going nuts trying to figure out whether certain entries belonged in FANSPEAK or in FAN LEGENDS & LORE…

1) Converted a couple of files in LEGENDS & LORE into complete Canfancyclopedia listings, namely ( A )  from A to AWARDS & ( B ) from BACOVER to BYDCOMZ!

2) Added ( X ) section of fanzine bibliography, covering XENIUM to XYZ, under SF Zines, Fanzines (A-Z).

3) Reviewed BCSFAzine (#483) and OTTAWA SF STATEMENT (#412).


CONTENTS: Cover photo of “The Father of Seti” Frank Drake, and his famous equation, Upcoming Events, Obituary for Doug Engelbart (inventor of the computer mouse) and others for actors Michael Ansara, Jeanne Cooper and Karen Black, a LoC from Lloyd Penney (of course!), and articles on Voyager 1 and Drake’s Equation (formula for figuring how many advanced civilizations there might be in the Galaxy). COMMENTS: This issue strong on science and weak on club activity. The editor writes: “This seems to be another month without even a semi-formal meeting…” and blames the lactivity on it being Summer. He states: “I’m getting astronomy articles referred but otherwise am reduced to trolling the net (and finding a depressing number of orbituaries younger than I am).” On the other hand, he advises members to check the club website and their Meetup site for details re future meetings, so presumably the club will revive once summer is over. Hope so. I wonder how many members the club has? BCSFA is tiny, but a dozen or so members enjoy and look forward to the monthly discussion group held in a member’s condo rec-room. The Ottawa SF Society should try something similar, mayhaps.


CONTENTS: Letters of comment (Dave Haren, Lloyd Penney, Michael Bertrand), Calendar, News-Like Matter, ‘Red Planet Blues’ Book Launch Report part 2, Zine reviews. COMMENT: A bare recital of content doesn’t look like much, but (as typically) the calendar is nine pages long detailing recently happened and soon to happen SF&F-related events in the Vancouver Lower mainland area. Everything from a ‘Teen Manga Design Contest’ to special film screenings (Harryhausen films) to Steampunk meetups. Sadly, includes an orbituary for much-beloved local fan Andrew Brechin (he of VCON KidCon fame). The BCSFAzine Calendar is an ongoing record of local SF&F fans in action. News-Like Matter, as always, includes the editor’s account of conversation at the last BCSFA meeting on topics ranging from the 1953 Canadian TV show SPACE COMMAND (with James Doohan  as a Scottish engineer in the engine room of a spaceship!) to the closest living relative of a T-Rex, namely a certain breed of chicken in Austria (as determined by DNA study). The letter column is small, but interactive and lively. Joseph Picard’s report on Robert J. Sawyer’s book launch describes the scene well, with mentions of local fandom, though I do wish he had reported on what Sawyer actually said in response to questions. Still, he observed that Sawyer, in response to small questions gives very BIG answers. Not a reluctant lad, is Rob. Always a fascinating speaker. To sum up, BCSFAzine well reflects the interests and activities of both club members and local fans in general. A nicely balanced clubzine that’s fun to read.

Your opinion of this site?

A lot of traffic. A lot of downloads. But no comments lately. I invite you to let me know what you think of this site. I’m also interested in knowing if you consider yourself a SF fan or no, if yes what type of SF fan, and whether you are Canadian or a reader from elsewhere on this planet. I’m eager to find out! So please hit the comment button and give me your response.

1) Added CANADIAN FANDOM (#20) March 1954, edited by Gerald Steward, under Sf Zines, Zines You Can Read, Historic Zines, New Canadian Fandom..

2) Added XENO-FILE (#1) 1987, edited by Chris Stroup, under SF Zines, Zines You Can Read, (click on) Alberta, Misc.

3) Added MLR (#1) August/September 1987, edited by Michael Dennis Skeet, under SF Zines, Zines You Can Read, (click on) Ontario, Misc.

4) Added ( W ) section of fanzine bibliography, covering WAT’S NEW to THE WYVERN’S TALE, under SF Zines, Fanzines (A-Z).

5) Added ( U ) Fan Legends & Lore covering ‘U’ to UNIVERSAL MUSKETEERS, under Fan History, Fan Legends & Lore T.

6) Added ‘Convention Jackpot’ Film material, under Fan Legends & Lore, F.

August 26/2013

1) Added SCIENTILLO (#1) Winter 1961, edited by Willy don Rawn & Ron T. Gallant, under SF Zines, Zines You Can Read, (click on) Manitoba, Misc.

2) Added Quebec Conventions under SF Conventions, SF Conventions province-by-province, Quebec. This completes initial listing of Canadian conventions. Tasks now are to update list with recent cons, locations, specific dates, and info on type, GoH’s, etc.This will be ongoing.

3) Added Purpose of Site (explaining the history of my Canfancyclopedia, giving the intro to its first incarnation, and an intro to this web site, the 2nd incarnation of my Canfancyclopedia.

4) Added comprehensive list of Sources, including articles, monographs, books, and individuals.

5) Added ( V ) section of fanzine bibliography, covering VANATIONS to VULCAN MAIL, under SF Zines, Fanzines (A-Z).

6) Added ( T ) Fan Legends & Lore covering TAPERA to TORONTO INSURGENTS, under Fan History, Fan Legends & Lore T.

7) Added ( T ) Fanspeak covering THISH to TWILTONE, under Fan History, Fanspeak, T.

August 24/2013

I am hurrying to get as much info as possible loaded on this site before I take a break of a week or more to work on the program book for VCON 38 upcoming October 4-6, 2013.

1) Added ZX (#1) July-August 1993, edited by Andrew C. Murdoch, under SF Zines, Zines You Can Read, British Columbia, Andrew.

2) Added BROKEN TOYS (#20) August 2013, edited by Taral Wayne, under SF Zines, Zines You Can Read, Ontario, Taral.

3) Added NEW CANADIAN FANDOM (#2-3) Jun-Jul-Aug-Sept 1983, edited by Robert Runté, under SF Zines, Zines You Can Reac, Alberta, Robert.

4) Added THE FROZEN FROG (#8) January 1984, edited by Benoit Girard, under SF Zines, Zines You Can Read, Quebec, Benoit.

5) Added THE MONTHLY MONTHLY (#2) November 1980, edited by Dave Vereschagin, under SF Zines, Zines You Can Read, Alberta, Gang of Four.

6) Added an entry for THE SPECULATIVE FICTION SOCIETY OF MANITOBA under SF Clubs/Orgs ( A to Z ), Manitoba.

7) Added ( T ) section of fanzine bibliography, covering TAL-SHYA to A TRIP REPORT FOUND IN A PLAIN MANILA ENVELOPE, under SF Zines, Fanzines (A-Z).

8) Added ( N ) Fanspeak Terms covering NEOTRIC to NISH,   ( O ) Fanspeak terms covering OBLITERINE, ( P ) Fanspeak Terms covering P.A.R. to PROZINE, ( Q ) Fanspeak Terms covering QUOTE CARDS to QUOTE COVER,  ( R ) Fanspeak terms covering RAYGUN to REPRODUCTION, ( S ) Fanspeak Terms covering SCIENCEERS to STF, under Fan History, Fanspeak, ( A to Z ).

9) Added ( N ) Fan Legends & Lore covering NEWARK NEANDERTHAL to NYDAHL’S DISEASE, ( O ) Fan Legends & Lore covering OBLIQUE HOUSE to OZARK LOVE CAMP, ( P ) Fan Legends & Lore covering PAN-GALACTIC GARGLE BLASTER to THE PROFESSOR,  ( R ) Fan Legends & Lore covering ROOM 770 to ROSCOE, ( S ) Fan Legends & Lore covering THE SENATORS OF FANDOM to STAPLE WAR (FIRST), under Fan History, Fan Legends & Lore, ( A to Z ).

August 23/2013

1) Added THE MAPLE LEAF RAG (#2) December 1983, edited by Garth Spencer, under SF Zines, Zines You Can Read, British Columbia, Garth.

2) Added SFA DIGEST (#1) 1982, edited by Jim Welch, Margaret Galbraith-Hamilton, under SF Zines, Zines You Can Read, (click on) British Columbia ]

3) Added CALLISTO RISING (#1) 1981, edited by E. B. Klassen, Under SF Zines, Zines You Can Read, British Columbia, Klassen.

4) Added Alberta SF Conventions (A to Z) under SF Conventions, Alberta, (A to Z).

5) Added ( S ) section of fanzine bibliography, covering SACRED TRUST to SYNAPSE, under SF Zines, Fanzines (A-Z).

6) Added ( K ) Fanspeak Terms covering KTP,   ( L ) Fanspeak terms covering LACKTIVITY to LITHOGRAPHY, ( M ) Fanspeak Terms covering MIMEOGRAPHY to MIMEOZINE, under Fan History, Fanspeak, ( A to Z ).

7) Added ( N ) Fan Legends & Lore covering NEWARK NEANDERTHAL to NYDAHL’S DISEASE, ( O ) Fan Legends & Lore covering OBLIQUE HOUSE to OZARK LOVE CAMP, ( P ) Fan Legends & Lore covering PAN-GALACTIC GARGLE BLASTER to THE PROFESSOR,  ( R) Fan Legends & Lore covering ROOM 770 to ROSCOE, ( S ) Fan Legends & Lore covering THE SENATORS OF FANDOM to STAPLE WAR (FIRST), under Fan History, Fan Legends & Lore, ( A to Z ).

August 22/2013

1) Added ZERO-G LAVATORY (#1) Fall 1994, edited by Scott Patri, under SF Zines, Zines You Can Read, British Columbia.

2) Added NOVOID (#2) 1986, edited by Colin Hinz, under SF Zines, Zines You Can Read, Saskatchewan.

3) Added British Columbia SF Conventions (A to Z) under SF Conventions, British Columbia, (A to Z).

4) Added A.E. van Vogt Awards, A.E. van Vogt 2012 Winner, & A.E. van Vogt Awards rules, under Awards, Awards (Canadian).

5) Added ( P ) section of fanzine bibliography, covering PANDORE to THE PURPLE ANNEX, ( Q ) section of fanzine bibliography, covering QUEEBSHOT to QUETZALCOATL, ( R ) section of fanzine bibliography, covering RED SHIFT to ROTHNIUM, under SF Zines, Fanzines (A-Z).

6) Added ( H ) Fanspeak Terms covering HEKTOGRAPHY to HEKTOZINE,   ( I ) Fanspeak terms covering INTERLINEATIONS to ISA, ( J ) Fanspeak Terms covering JUSTIFICATION, under Fan History, Fanspeak.

7) Added ( H ) Fan Legends & Lore covering HEKTOGRAPHER’S HANDS to THE HIBITED MEN, ( I ) Fan Legends & Lore covering IAOPUMUMSFTPUSA to “IT’S A PROUD AND LONELY THING TO BE A FAN,” ( J ) Fan Legends & Lore covering JOE FANN to JULES VERNE PRIZE CLUB, under Fan History, Fan Legends & Lore.

August 21/2013

1) Added OTTAWA SF STATEMENT (#412) August 2013, edited by GRANT DUFF, under SF Zines, Zines You Can Read, Ontario Zines, OSF Statement.

2) Added ( N ) section of fanzine bibliography, covering NEOGENESIS to NUCLEAR BUNNIES, under SF Zines, Fanzines (A-Z).

3) Added ( O ) section of fanzine bibliography, covering ODDS ‘N ENDS to OTUS, under SF Zines, Fanzines (A-Z).

4) Added ( E ) Fanspeak Terms covering EDITOR to ESPERANTO, under Fan History, Fanspeak, E.

5) Added ( F ) Fanspeak Terms covering FANADIAN to FOUT!, under Fan History, Fanspeak, F.

6) Added ( G ) Fanspeak Terms covering GESTAFAX to GESTETNER, under Fan History, Fanspeak, G.

7) Added ( E ) Fan Legends & Lore covering EGO to EPHLESS EL, under Fan History, Fan Legends & Lore E.

8) Added ( F ) Fan Legends & Lore covering FAN DRINKS to FUTURE FANTASY FRENCH, under Fan History, Fan Legends & Lore F.

9) Added ( G ) Fan Legends & Lore covering GANGLION OF FOUR to THE GREAT SPIDER, under Fan History, Fan Legends & Lore G.