1) Added The Fanactical Fanactivist #11, edited by R. Graeme Cameron, under Awards, CSFA, CSFA Newsletter.

Canadien fen! Please check out the above zine. Within it I list all the potential nominees for the upcoming Faned Awards that I have so far come across in my research.

You may be aware of potential nominees I’ve missed. Please send me your suggestions with appropriate details (Who? What? In which zine? When?) via comment here or via my email < rgraeme[at] >

Note that to be eligible for the 2013 awards the nominee must have been active in 2012. (Activity in 2013 will not count till the 2014 awards.) I am looking for people eligible because of their 2012 fanac.

A revised nominee list will be published in a week or two, and Canadian fen will be asked to select their favourite five choices in each category.

The final list of the most ‘popular’ five candidates in each category will be published shortly thereafter, and Canadian fen will be asked to vote for three candidates in order of preference (First, second, third) in each category.

Winners will be announced at VCON in October.

August 1/2013

Currently my site is not allowing me to upload any new zines. All I get is an ‘error’ message saying ‘try again later.’ Hope this is a temporary glitch.

Ah! The glitch finally went away.

1) Added CENSORED (#3) 1942 edited by Fred Hurter Jr, under SF Zines, Historic.

2) Added GENRE PLAT (#2) Summer 1977 edited by Allyn Cadogan, under SF Zines, British Columbia, both Susan and Allyn.


Contents: Editorial, Toronto Storm, Moderm Mysteries Solved, Faneds Song, superb Loc Column, Canada Day musings, on Censored, Enditorial. Comments: In his ‘Emotorial’ Taral reveals the joy of social relations and recognition in his fanac means more than SF as an interest, the problem being that it somehow adds up to not being enough. Every fan’s problem really, unless your sense of accomplishment can compensate… Ah the remarkable inconvenience of a major storm, well described… Why do dishes scoot across the counter by themselves? Taral knows. He can even duplicate the ‘mystery.’ Like most ‘mysteries,’ easily explained once you know the answer… Song explaining the decline of Faneds. Great repro of ‘First Fandom’ badge based on the club badge Gernsback used to give out in the early 30s… The extensive loc column concentrates on politics (depressing), the loc column itself, collecting vs hoarding (Taral makes the point that every zine collector thinks he’s preserving a unique collection of great value to future civilization, to which I add it’s no sillier than many an in-house motivational ‘myth’ employed by corporations) and what’s wrong with the Hugos… ‘Notional Holiday’ involves transit travel and dinner with friends, with much puzzlement over crowded conditions on bus and subway till late in the evening when Taral remembers it is Canada Day. I too, now that I’m retired, often fail to notice holidays, discovering them only when the Skytrain is jam-packed. When you are no longer a wage slave, holidays become a nuisance… There follows a thoughtful review of the issues of CENSORED Taral provided for this site… In his ‘Enditorial’ (written to fill in a blank half page) Taral wonders why “Canadian fans are so literal at naming things? Couldn’t Graeme’s site have been named something like ‘The National Gallery of Mimeo Art?’ …no doubt Graeme would say that nobody would find the site then. He may be right. But maybe nobody is looking for it either…” Not counting my own popping in and out to add or adjust things, I’m averaging over fifty visitors a day. This justifies my utilizing my site address as a meta-tag in and of itself. Online, ‘literal’ is a good thing, a necessary thing.


July 26/2013 — Broken Toys #19

1) Added Taral Wayne’s BROKEN TOYS (#19) Late July 2013, under SF Fanzines, Ontario Zines, Taral.

2) Reviewed Broken Toys #19. See Sidebar.

3) Added essay ‘THOUGHTS ON CENSORED’ July 2013 by Taral Wayne to SF Fanzines, Historic, Censored.

4) Added Mike Glicksohn & Susan Wood’s ENERGUMEN (#4), the 16 issue run hosted here is now complete, under SF Fanzines, Zines You Can Read, Ontario Zines, Taral Wayne Zines.

July 25/2013 — My Birthday

For me birthdays are a form of athletics. I race past each goalpost determined to rack up as high a score as possible. I just turned 62, chortling with glee because now it is absolutely impossible for me to die at the age of 61. Now to find out if I can make it to 63! Each and every birthday is a milestone, a triumph, and a victory lap. I find myself feeling better and happier every July 25th. No sprinter I, but a long distance runner. The race goes on!

Besides, I recently decided to start counting from 50. Currently that makes me 12 years old, which fits in well with my second childhood. The way I see it, I won’t enter middle age until I celebrate my centenary. Oddly enough, that’s probably when I will transform into a sprinter…