October 26/2013

1) Check out my latest column (my 6th) for Amazing Stories Online, titled “How Not to Host a Website, Or: The Further Adventures of a Twentieth Century Computer Illiterate in the Twenty-First Century.”


2) Added DNQ (#3) June 2, 1978, by Taral Wayne & Victoria Vayne, under Zines, Zines You Can Read, Ontario, Taral.

3) Added NOVOID (#5), February 1987, by Colin Hinz, under Zines, Zines You Can Read, Saskatchewan Zines.

October 18/2013

1) Checkout my latest (my 5th) column for Amazing Stories Magazine online titled: ‘On Second-Childhood Nostalgia, Or: How to Avoid Being a Mature SF Fan.’ at:


2) Added BCSFAzine (#485) October 2013 under Clubs, BCSFA, BCSFAzines.

3) Added 2000 to 2004  Elron Awards 2000 – 2009 under Awards, Fan Awards, Canadian Awards, Elrons.

October 12/2013

1) Check out my latest (the fouth) column for Amazing Stories magazine online titled “How to Create Your Own Fan Awards, Or, The Art of Fannish Selfless Selfishness” at < http://amazingstoriesmag.com/2013/10/create-fan-awards-fannish-art-selfless-selfishness/ >

2) Added Elron Awards 1971 – 1979 and Elron Awards 1980 – 1989 (just 1980 to 1983 so far) under Awards, Canadian Awards, Elrons.

October 10/2013

I’m back from VCON 38 and have finally caught up my sleep. Tomorrow I’ll start posting stuff again.

Meanwhile. here are the results of the 2013 Canadian Fanzine Fanac Awards presented at VCON 38.

BEST FAN  ARTIST: Taral Wayne.


BEST FAN WRITER:  R. Graeme Cameron.

BEST FANZINE: ‘Space Cadet’ edited by R. Graeme Cameron.

HALL OF FAME: Leslie A. Croutch, editor of ‘LIGHT’ in the 1940s / 1950s.

I won twice. I am very pleased.

Of course, many will assume I rigged the election, but in fact the voting results are legitimate. I will release stats in the near future.

October 1/2013

I won’t be adding to or updating this site till mid next week, since I am in the final days of preparing for the VCON 38 SF convention which takes place this upcoming weekend. Once the con is over I will get  back to work on this web site.

Meanwhile, good news. The executive of MonSFFA (the Montreal SF Association) has voted to allow me to host any and all issues of their clubzine WARP providing they are at least two years old. (Recent issues being for members only, so that if you want to read them you must join their club; incentive to join.) The WCSFA archive has some very early issues, so adding them to this site will reveal the early history of MonSFFA.